Find Your Purpose in 3 Super Easy Steps

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Watch today’s episode of Find Your Happy TV, filmed in one of the most beautiful places on Maui, and perhaps the most beautiful video yet Click to Watch Find Your Purpose in 3 Super Easy Steps Do you feel lost or as if something is missing in your life? Maybe you want to make a bigger difference in the world than you feel you are, but you aren’t sure how. So many of us walk through life, feeling numb and desperate for change and a deeper connection, but aren’t sure how to get it. Nick Vujicic, the motivational speaker who was born without arms and legs said, “The two greatest days of your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out what your purpose is, but if you don’t know what your purpose is than you don’t know why you are here, and it can be hard to keep going.” I know this feeling all too well. I used to suffer immense inner turmoil while trying hard to find my purpose. I was in a job I hated, working in advertising under fluorescent lights, and suffocating from the stale corporate air. I saw people like Beyoncé and Justin Timberlake shine so brightly when they performed. I wanted what they had, infectious passion, a thirsty love for life and an unyielding connection to their work. I struggled daily to figure out my purpose, but it wasn’t until I took a step back and realized that my purpose isn’t “figure-outable” from my head that I found a way to get there. I thought to myself, “Maybe the problem isn’t that I don’t know what my purpose is; the problem is the way I am trying to find my purpose.” We can’t think our way into our life’s passion and purpose, we have to do our way in. This means taking steps towards what you want, and removing those things in your life that you don’t want. I left my successful corporate job on a mission to find my happy, and it came by taking one step at a time and exploring many different passions. If you are looking for your purpose and passion, stop looking and start doing. These steps will help you. How to Find Your Purpose and Passion

1. Get More Action

You can’t think your way into finding your life purpose; you have to do your way into it. Take a mental note from Nike and Just Do It. The more we act, the more we get clear on things.  So instead of overthinking it, – Will  this work out? Should I try that? What if I don’t like it? What if I don’t make money at it? – start taking steps toward your goals and start trying new things. This will help you get out of your own way. I struggled for years trying to find out what my purpose was. This cycle only created a deeper lack of clarity. It wasn’t until I started doing that things changed for me. I began writing, and sent a story to Chicken Soup for The Soul. The second I received the letter of acceptance was unlike any ever before, love flooded into my heart and I knew that this was what I had to do with my life. You see though, I had to start writing to learn that my biggest passion was indeed writing. That only came with consistent action. Tweetable Truth: The experience is the reward; clarity comes through the process of exploring. Action is where you get results.

2. Drop From Your Head to Your Heart

Your heart is your best tool to access your true purpose and passion. Ask yourself what you love? Start taking steps to do what you love. When you are inspired and connected to your happy self, inspiration floods your heart and soul. When you lead from your heart, you are naturally more joyful and motivated to explore. By doing what you love, you will be inspired and gain insights into what brings you the most joy.

3. Break Up with The “ONE”

Many of us struggle because we try to find that ONE thing that we are meant to do; but trying to find only one thing is the reason why we feel like something is missing. The notion that we have only one thing we are meant for limits us from fulfilling our greatness. Take me for example; I have six different job titles. I’m a life coach, travel writer, author, speaker, teacher, mentor, designer, and each thing I do brings me joy, but none of these are my purpose, they are my passions. So start getting in touch with your passions! When you lead a passionate life you are living your life on purpose. Let go of thinking there is only one purpose for you and embrace the idea that our purpose in life is to love life fully by putting ourselves into our life! This means we jump in and try new things; we stop resisting the unknown and we fully engage in what is happening right here, where we are. To lead a purposeful life, follow your passions. When we live a passion-filled life we are living on purpose, and that is the purpose of life. That feeling that something is missing goes away when you lead a passion-filled life. The need to seek our purpose comes from a lack of passion. When you don’t feel connected to your life, you lack purpose and passion. To fix this emptiness simply add more passion. To boil it down, remember this simple equation:

Passion + Daily Action = Purposeful Life – Tweet me!

Consider that the real purpose of anyone’s life is to be fully involved in living. Try to be present for the journey and fully embrace it. Soon you will be oozing with passion, and you will feel so purposeful and fulfilled you will wonder how you lived life without it. Enjoy the journey into your own awesome life. Awesome Action: I’d love to hear from you! What are you passionate about and what are you committed to following through on to add more passion in your life? Leave your comments below.   More Resources: This message is so dear to my heart that I invite you to go deeper with me into the topic in my May group coaching session, Find Your Purpose and Passion.  Click below for details.

Purpose Passion_GroupCoaching

          Photo credit @zakshelhamer

5 thoughts on “Find Your Purpose in 3 Super Easy Steps

  1. Anika Rieske Reply

    Hey Shannon, this message couldn’t have come to my email at a more appropriate time. All week I have been suffocating from anxiety about my future that came to a head a few days ago in a crying fit. Thinking about the future (when my fiance will be graduating from nursing school 3-5 years from now), I felt like I couldn’t breathe because I can’t picture my life that far ahead. I have no direction. With my job in retail, I literally live day to day, paycheck to paycheck. I am lacking a goal. I have everything I could possibly want in the present and I am thankful for that, but it still felt like I was missing something. And I believe I need something to work toward. Like you said, I need a purpose and passion. Ever since I can remember I have been writing fiction. It is my connection to my inspiration and a form of happiness I can only describe as the giddy feeling one gets when they fall in love. I have always considered this my passion even when it felt like I was passionate for nothing else. Lately however, it has been hard to write at all and I kept feeling that I had to choose ONE thing! Your message has broken that belief (I can’t believe how dead on you were about how I was feeling!), I can be a writer, a lover, a traveler, all these things. I don’t have to sacrifice time with my fiance to write. I can do it all. I’m so excited to try out the steps you presented in this video. I am so thankful for you and your work. You have changed my life. I am excited to DO things. I can just start writing again and see how it is without committing to the idea of being a professional writer. For some reason that was scaring me. You’re right. I just need to DO these things without worrying about where they may lead in the future. Thank you so much! You always bring me guidance on rough days–and happy days 🙂

    • Shannon Kaiser Reply

      Anika, thank you so much for sharing your situation. You may be interested in my upcoming pay what you want group coaching, I will go even deeper into the topic you are experiencing. Glad this message helped you.

  2. Chris Reply

    Awesome! Thank you so much for sharing this, right on the money! Grateful for you.

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