Intuition vs. Fear: How to Tell the Difference

How do you know the difference between intuition and fear? Or, otherwise put, how do you know if you are making the right choice? On our journey to living life fully we often brush up against emotional walls that represent our comfort zone, especially when we long for something more than we currently have.

Recognize that right before a breakthrough there is usually a surge of insecurity, self-doubt and fear. This is why sometimes things get worse before they get better. Jumping from one stage of your life into the next can be nerve racking, especially if you don’t know if it’s fear or intuition in the driver’s seat.

I remember when fear kept me paralyzed and in a corporate job I hated long past my expiration date. It wasn’t until I recognized the difference between fear and intuition that I saw the powerful potential of releasing the fear in order to access my dreams.

I’ve identified 5 powerful ways you can learn to understand whether fear or intuition is in control. After adopting these 5 tips you will be a “clear your fear” master.

1. Do you feel expansive or restricted?

Do you feel excited, passionate and open to the possibilities of moving forward? Or do you feel trapped, stuck, and restricted? If you feel open and expansive it is your intuition showing you the right path, though fear will still try to make you feel small and powerless.

2. Do you feel joyful or anxious?

If you feel at peace and in joy when you think about the situation it is driven from your intuitive guidance. Your inner voice will never lead you into an anxious experience. If you feel anxiety or frustration when you think about the situation, it is fear.

3. Does it feel loving, or dark and heavy?

Recognize that only love is real. Although there are fears related to life and death situations, like a bear chasing you in the woods, mental fear is a story we create in our own heads. For example, if you are safely cuddled in your sleeping bag in your zipped-up tent while imagining a bear chasing you, that is mental fear. Mental fear is dark and heavy and it is not loving at all. If you are ever confused in the moment ask “Is this thought loving?” If it is not, repeat the mantra: “Only love is real.”

4. Is it in your heart or your head?

If you think a lot about the situation, or you over-analyze the outcome, it comes from your head, and chances are, it is fear-based. When you feel the outcome, the feelings and the driver of those emotions emanate from your heart.

5. Do you feel pulled or pushed?

This trick is the best way to know if fear or intuition is guiding you. If you feel pulled to do something because of a passion, loving desire or yearning in your heart, then it is intuition driving you in the right direction. If you feel pushed, as if you have to do something, or if you feel obligated to stay in a situation that feels confining, you can bet fear is leading that rampage.

As always — I’d love to hear your take on this topic.


Photo by: Solene Lombardo


6 thoughts on “Intuition vs. Fear: How to Tell the Difference

  1. Bob Blunden Reply

    Having made a decision you generally have a feeling whether it feels right or wrong and if the latter hopefully you can change it. Very interesting article.

  2. Caitlyn Reply

    Recently I made a huge decision. Or didn’t depending on how you look at it. I was anticipated to move to another city to pursue a job and a dream I had moved on from after travelling and discovering my passion. It was one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make and since I have wondering and doubting I did the “right” thing. After reading this post I am sure that I did the right thing at least with the job (there is a relationship involved too) so moving forward with that decision I feel more confident I can make a wise choice again. Thanks!

  3. Travis Reply

    I can releate alot to this article. I am fairly new to the corporate world but I have noticed that the upper management rules by fear. At first I didn’t reconize it, but after a while I noticed things did not feel right. Their ruling by fear works on many people, and maybe that is the norm for corporate work places, I dont know, as I have only worked at one office place. I do know one thing, that it is not right for me. They are constantly threating staff members. They tell you that you can do anything you want, which works wonders on people fresh out of college, however the longer you stay they place more and more restrictions on what you can do. I can see it in the people who have worked there a long time, they are just shells of what they once were, worn down and worked into a corner. I know that this place is not right for me, and I am planning my way out, it may not be tomorrow, but the time will come.

  4. Lexi Reply

    I love this post. Sometimes it’s hard to discern the difference, but of all the articles I’ve read yours is the simplest and makes the most sense. You calmed my anxiety. Thank you for writing this, you helped me!!

  5. Nicole Palasia Reply

    I love this perspective,I can see how it works in this context. How does it work in the context of relationships? I’m fairly triggered in my current relationship, hence I want to run for the hills. Something in me tells me to stick it out, I don’t know of its my fear or intuition. Am I giving in too early or does my intuition want me to leave?

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