How to Know When You Should Give Up or Try Harder

It’s so beautiful in the fall. Fall has always been my favorite season because of the bursts of color, the intoxicating layers of life peeling away and folding into the next season. It’s gorgeous; the leaves all show us their style, then gracefully they fall to the ground, surrendering to… READ MORE

3 Unexpected Reasons Why You Are Uninspired and How to Fix That

Are you unhappy and feel stuck in life? Maybe you’ve been trying to make positive changes, but lack the motivation and clarity. If you feel as if you are taking two steps forward, three steps back, you’ll enjoy today’s motivational video. Instead of blaming yourself or feeling like it is… READ MORE

How to Honor Your Creative Instincts When I tell people I’m a writer, they usually say one of two things: “You actually make a living doing that?” or “I could never be a writer; I’m soooo not creative.” When most of us think of “creativity,” the starving artist comes to mind, and we often think… READ MORE

How to Live a More Meaningful Life

A few months ago I sat on my couch feeling disconnected to my life. I was stuck in a routine and felt as if I was just going through the motions. I wanted to feel more, live more, be more, so I started to dream bigger. I gave myself permission… READ MORE

There is Beauty in Breakdown

This is my first published story ever. It shares in more detail my journey of leaving depression and my career in advertising to follow my heart and become a writer. This story first appeared in Chicken Soup For The Soul: Think Positive, 2010.  *** I’m sitting at my office desk trying desperately… READ MORE

The Struggle Is Oh So Sexy… Until It’s Not.

I’m not one to use the word sexy often if ever, nor do I enjoy the idea of struggle, but recently I came upon a profound expression of human truth, my aha moment. The struggles we feel in life can, indeed, be sexy. Allow me to explain. The past few… READ MORE