3 Stress-Busters You Had No Idea Existed

Over the past few weeks, I’ve seen a theme with coaching clients, friends and family. Stress seems to be at an all-time high. Are you feeling it too? Maybe you’re overwhelmed with all your to-dos or feeling the pressure of a financial bind, or maybe you just desperately want more hours in the day so you can get everything done. No matter how stress creeps in, it is inevitable.

You may not have time or money to get a professional massage and so I’ve pulled together my top tips for instant stress-busters. Enjoy these surprising quick fixes.

Get to Know Your Stress Type

There are different types of stress, and understanding the kind that you are dealing with can help you move though it much faster.

Situational stress, for example, occurs when we are overwhelmed by current situations or events. Whereas anticipatory stress is when we worry about the future. When we are consumed with worry, it’s because we are trying to be in control. Our fear-based mind wants to protect us from unwanted outcomes; it’s trying to keep you safe. If you are stuck in the worry cycle, remind yourself that you have control over the present moment and how you feel right now. We can’t control what happens to us or around us, but we can control how we respond. Take responsibility for  the present moment and make a choice to feel good now.

Understanding the type of stress you feel can help you better manage it. You can see the tips below for more easy ways to overcome stress.

Identify Your Triggers

A lot of managing our stress is about self-awareness. The more you understand and know yourself, the easier it will be to feel good. One of the reasons we become stressed out and overwhelmed is because of past issues that are unhealed. We may have had a situation happen, and when it happens again it can trigger us. Or maybe money issues are huge stressors for you. Maybe your trigger is a word. I used to be triggered by the word weird. Anytime someone called me weird as an adult, I would feel overwhelmed with anxiety. I recognized that as a child when children on the playground called me weird, it hurt my feelings, because I felt like an outsider, and I didn’t fit it. Once I recognized my trigger as an adult, I could release it and now, I can manage my experience much easier. Understanding what triggers you will make a profound difference in your outcome.

Turn Your Expectations into Appreciation

So often we become stressed because of how we think things should go and what we want to happen. But life rarely goes according to our plan; instead trade your expectations for appreciation. This idea is inspired by Tony Robbins’s teaching. When we can recognize that most of our stress is due to things being different from the version in our head, we can relax. Start to celebrate what is going well and turn your attention to gratitude. This will help you feel better instantly.

Here are some more easy ways to bust your stress.

  1. Call or text a friend (share your feelings)
  2. Watch a movie or relax with a good book
  3. Go into nature
  4. Give yourself a digital detox; avoid social media or news outlets for a specific period of time
  5. Hire a life coach or see a therapist
  6. Journal
  7. Watch inspirational YouTube videos
  8. Plan and do research on a goal or dream
  9. Play with and hug furry friends
  10. Sign up for my free audio workshop Overcome Overwhelmed

If you want even more powerful ways to bust anxiety, sign up for my FREE online workshop Overcome Overwhelmed here. This free workshop ends soon. Don’t miss out.

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