Why it’s so hard to follow through and how to fix it (New video)

Do you have a goal, a dream, an idea that keeps coming back to you?

Maybe you think about launching that product, investing in that dream, or going for it, but if you’re like most of us, then you immediately go to all the reasons it won’t work.

You may think things like . . .

  • Who am I too go for what I want?
  • What if it cost to much money?
  • What if it doesn’t work out?
  • What will people think?

When our fear voice is in the driver’s seat, we stop ourselves before we even get our dreams off the ground. Well in today’s brand new video, I share three powerful ways you can follow through on your goals so you can live the life you are made for.

Over the past six months, I’ve been deep in an inward journey traveling the globe, gathering insights, resources and valuable tools to share with you, and I am excited to share some in today’s video filmed in beautiful Croatia, my home for the month, filmed at KRKA National Park. Enjoy the view and positive message.


After you give it a watch, I’d love to hear what dream is in your heart and that you are ready to follow through on in the comments below.

With all my love,

Catch my hug, Shannon


7 thoughts on “Why it’s so hard to follow through and how to fix it (New video)

  1. Tammy Reply

    One of my dreams has been to go to Croatia. You have inspired me. I keep telling myself though I am too old and out of shape to “play with the world” anymore and that I need to be more responsible with my money. That is what holds me back. Reality is NO I AM NOT –I am ONLY 54 soon to be 55. I may be over weight but I can still move and walk and am healthy.

  2. Gladys c Reply

    Do things that I was scare to do. Life is only one enjoy it. Always when I feel something you’re my inspiration. Sorry I can’t go to all places you go. I will start working with my anxiety.

  3. Emily Beck Reply

    I recently travelled the world with my partner for 15 months. We came home, back to our lovely house, family and friends and started working. We’re both very grateful that we landed really good jobs straight away but for the past 5 months, every day, my heart is saying to get back to Australia to work and see how I can grow. Try something new. I am a teacher who has fallen out of love with the profession and literally have no idea what path to take. I have an excellent job in a school now but my heart is not in it. My heart is telling me every day to go back to Australia (and to learn ceramics!). the fear is that I will be giving up on a very job and let my employer down who has put so much faith in me for the past 5 months. It’s so tough to take the leap but I want to. I fear I will be looked down on by my family and by my employer

  4. Tam Jessup Reply

    I have had emotional problems for as long as I can remember. I have shied away from feeling anxious, unworthy, unhappy, and disconnected because it’s vulnerable and uncomfortable. I’ve used my poor mental health as an excuse to limit myself and both resisted change and relied on others for meaning and stability. Thank you for helping me to accept that I need to embrace discomfort and vulnerability to accept myself and find joy, to seek healing in the everyday act of persistence, and to realize that as much as I want to reach out to others with love and counsel, I MUST love and be who I am and take care of myself FIRST, no matter how selfish, guilty, and stressful I feel at first. Thank you for being interviewed on BYU radio; that’s how I found you. I don’t think I agree with all of your ideas; I think we were each send here for a purpose as part of God’s plan rather than to merely play and indulge ourselves in pleasurable experiences. But your insights have opened my eyes as part of the growth I’ve begun to experience, FINALLY, at 56, and I’m grateful to you. Keep shining.

  5. Courtney Wilkinson Reply

    I’ve hit the goal in 2017 to be a category manager, not I want global standing. I have so many people who are behind me. I just need to go for it. AND listen.

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