Should You Toughen Up? Helpful Advice For Sensitive Souls

Since I was a little girl, I’ve been told I am too sensitive. I care too much. In my twenties I was called too neurotic and way too emotional. As I grow older I’ve learned to balance my emotions, but I admit I still have moments of extreme sensitivity. For example, I can’t watch the news because I have a physical response to the negativity. Instead, I surround myself with positive people and focus on the good in the world.

If you are an extremely sensitive person, it can be difficult to stay positive and not take things personally. After all, you have a big heart and care deeply. But how do you know the difference between having a big heart and genuinely caring vs. taking things too personally and being overly sensitive?

Do people tell you that you are too sensitive?

Has anyone told you to stop taking things so personally?

This is kind of the story of my life, so today I have some valuable tips to share. First, I will say that taking things too personally is not a bad thing if you know how to manage your feelings. It is directly tied to HSP (highly sensitive people). Fifteen to 20 percent of the population has this condition, so if you feel more than others, you are not alone.

Today’s video will help you distinguish between whether you are taking things personally and are, indeed, incredibly too sensitive or if you are just a person with a big heart.

The key is to start to put irrational issues in proportion. If you are overreacting over every situation, chances are, you can benefit from balancing your emotions.

You can do this by increasing your empathy and broadening your horizons to focus on the big picture of each situation. These tips can help:

What people say and do is about them, not you.

If someone tells you something that makes you feel defensive, recognize everyone is always sharing advice, tips, and their opinions from their own point of view. You get to decide if it resonates. If someone says something that you take personally, ask yourself if what they said resonates with you. If it offends you, it is because it is something you want to look at within yourself.

Believe in yourself.

If someone offends you, instead of getting angry, focus on believing in yourself, because when you do, you won’t need others’ approval.

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Don’t apologize for caring.

Many people who are called overly sensitive have big hearts. We genuinely care about others. I believe that you have a big heart for a reason. The world needs more people who do care, so at the end of the day, don’t apologize for being sensitive or caring about the world and those you love.

7 thoughts on “Should You Toughen Up? Helpful Advice For Sensitive Souls

  1. Kim Reply

    Thank you so much for covering this topic as it really hits home with me! You’re amazing and I look forward to watching (and reading) all of your work. I hope you plan a trip to western New York soon 🙂

  2. Ann Brinkley Reply

    Thanks, Shannon… really needed to hear that today!
    I am almost 60 yrs old and I still hear: “You’re too sensitive”!
    Sometimes I feel that I am never invited to do things and that I invite myself which of course is a reflection of my own insecurities of not feeling loved, not loving myself!
    Trying to do things more by myself which is actaully kind of fun to do!
    You’re great and I always like to listen to your videos!

  3. Flavia Reply

    Thank you for the video, Shannon. That’s exactly what I need to hear today. Believe in myself! Love your energy xoxo

  4. Alex Reply

    Thanks, Shannon. This was very tinely and extremely helpful for me. Kepp up the good work!

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