My Secret Sauce to Success and Happiness

I’m sitting at the airport getting ready to board my flight to Maui where I will be living for the next three glorious months in Hawaii. I have my manuscript for my next book printed in hand, and I am ready to deep dive into my first draft to review and rewrite it by the sea.

Living and working from anywhere in the world has been a dream of mine, but I have to admit I wasn’t always clear on what I wanted to do with my life. When I first left corporate, I had no freaking idea what I was going to do with my life. I just knew that my corporate climbing routine was sucking the soul out of me and settling was no longer a path I could take.

Do you ever think to yourself, “I am so stuck! I have no idea what I want to do with my life?” or “I am bored with life and nothing excites me! What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I be happy?” I can relate. I used to cry myself to sleep every night because I was so lost in life.

My shift happened when I gusseted up the courage to follow my heart and by taking one strong willed step at a time; I stepped purposefully towards happiness, and that, my friends, was the pivotal moment that opened up my heart to my purpose. Each brave step forward revealed more of my bigger picture. If you feel stuck or are unsure of your path, you are not alone. Welcome to the human race. We all experience uncertainty, but there is a way to use this fuzzy period in your life to your advantage.

The thing about clarity is that it can only come to us through action. Although moving forward when we don’t have a plan or can see the big picture can feel debilitating, it is the exact step we need to take to gain clarity and get a clear vision. When we take action, the universe can respond and help guide us to more inspiration. That is exactly what happened for me and why I am getting ready to hop on a plane to work in paradise.

Here’s the super sweet deal: If you hate an area of your life and you want to be happy, but you don’t know what steps to take, there is a clear process you can follow to help you get everything you want.

I have a so called secret sauce to my success and happiness.

This is my fail-proof method of getting anything you want which has worked fantastically for me and many of my clients.

Click to Tweet the video. 


3 Fail-proof ways to reach unlimited success and happiness: 

 1.  Follow Your Joy Route

When I first left my corporate job I had no clue what I was going to do with my life. All I did know was that I wanted to be happy. I started to listen to the nudges of my heart and follow their gentle guidance. The things that brought me the most joy soon became mandatory habits. Things like writing, playing in nature, and sharing my experiences with others. These were things that brought me fulfillment, and the more action I took the clearer I became. As I did those things that made me happy, I recognized that my life would be incomplete without them, and that meant I had found my purpose as I lived my passion.

You can do it too, nourishing the nudge is all about getting in touch with your super power heart. Take this awesome action now.

Answer these breakthrough questions to help you access your own passion.

1. What is calling to you?

2. What brings you abundant joy?

3. What makes you feel alive?

4. Do these things daily!

 2. Go on a Future Field Trip

Another essential step in manifesting my dream life was to actually visualize myself living my dream life, even before I was living it. I would spend 5 minutes a day just holding energetic space for my future and day dreaming of my future self happy, healthy and free to work from anywhere in the world.

A little secret, the human brain does not know the difference between real and fake situations. When you visualize and imagine a better life for yourself, your brain will adapt and your world will transform.

The universe responds to what we focus on. Visualize yourself living that dream life! Do it now! Don’t wait! Use your time to focus on what you want.

3. Trust

The fastest way to get what you want, no matter what you want, is to believe in your dream with every fiber of your body. Trust that your desire is on its way to you! Instead of spending your precious time focusing on what isn’t happening or working right, focus 100% of your energy on what you want, and trust that it will come to you at the right time and in the right way.

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More Resources:

If you want a guided mediation on releasing fear and learning how to trust, check out my new meditation album Clear Your Fear 

What steps do you take to get what you want? As always I would love to hear your comments below.

10 thoughts on “My Secret Sauce to Success and Happiness

  1. Ryan Reply

    Hello Shannon,

    Just a quick message to let you know your journey, blogs, insights, (all the awesomess that is you) has truely been inspiring me and helping me along my own life struggles. I can even relate to the corporate part having been a Geological Technologist for 7 years this upcoming May. Not sure it is the place for me anymore. Scuba diving is calling me 🙂

    Wish you nothing but great experiences in Hawaii evolving you to a whole new level of awesomeness!

    -Ryan from Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    • Shannon Kaiser Reply

      Ryan, thanks so much for the shout out and sending love. OMG so excited for you and scuba diving. Way to go and find your happy. Cheers. Shannon

  2. Maura Reply

    Hi Shannon,

    I keep coming back to this type of message in my life. The universe continues to remind me when I lose my way and YES wonder…what is my purpose? I am FT Corporate right now, with littles at home…but I love Hot Yoga and love to create for showers/weddings etc…perhaps those two things are what make me happy…I also love to travel and write but since kiddos, have not been able to do those things as much…kind of like your message regarding Trust…there is a time and place and perhaps the future me will be able to travel more with my family as the babes get older. Anyways, thank you for your inspiration. Keep it coming! Cheers.

    Maura in Seattle WA

  3. Mimi Reply


    So good that you are doing these – I am much older, but have followed these happy steps as much as possible throughout my life. I am looking toward retirement in a fewstart years and really want to travel and write – so for now, I just write in my spare time. It is so good to fill our minds with positive reinforcements and mantras.

    I love the format and hope to learn more from you as we go through this life. Bravo!


  4. Sally Mejia Reply

    Thank you, Shannon for affirming the steps I too have been taking to make my dream into a reality. Altho I just recently found you on FB, recommended by a friend, I look everyday to see what you’ve been up to – and it keeps me inspired. There are so many pieces to the puzzle called ‘Moving to Hawaii’, but you’re showing that it is indeed possible, by staying focused and goal-oriented, while still taking a little time to dream. You came along at just the right time for me! Mahalo.

  5. Gail Reply

    Hi Shannon,

    Following the steps from your first book, I have been able to start a vision board with my husband about all the wonderful things we want to do and enjoy doing. That vision board has been helping us greatly, and we will be going to Spain this year! (a much awaited journey!!)

    Much Love to you! Enjoy your journey in Hawaii!!

    -Gail from Toronto, Ontario, Canada

  6. Jenna Reply

    Thank you for your consistent strength and bravery to set a great example to those of us who are taking risks to follow our dreams!

    I am on a 6month sabbatical from work (left my corporate job of 7 years) to do some soul searching. Often, when I speak to family and friends and others, they don’t understand what I am doing and look at it as “laziness” or that I can’t “get my act together”. Sometimes I need reminders that this time is a true blessing for me- that I have lived my life and made choices to enable me to take this time to reroute my life to the path of adventure I so desire.

    Thank you so much for this reminder this week!

  7. Mel Reply

    Hey Shannon – have an amazing time in Hawaii – Ive never been there but I went to the Cook Islands and totally loved it. I can just imagine you hiking and swimming and just loving life to the MAX. You truly are an inspiration. Ive just started journaling and its really helped me get clear on what I want to do with my life. Cant wait to get your next message and hear what you’re up to.
    Love and hugs

  8. Pramila Reply

    Hi Shannon,
    Thankyou very much for the truly inspirational steps, and as soon as I read your script, i was revealed from my confusions on my future life.Daily i go through your website and find it so interesting and feel something personal about it. Thanks again Shannon. 🙂

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