How to Stress Less During Change

If you’re feeling stuck or at a standstill, you are not alone. Huge energetic shifts are going on right now on the planet that are keeping many of us in a “pause” mode. You may feel like you aren’t where you use to be, but you are not quite where you want to be either. The good news is toward the end of March (next week) the pace is supposed to pick up. Everything you have put in motion will start to manifest. But the not so great news is you are still in the in-between stage, and that can be overwhelming, especially if you’re impatient. Even though change happens all the time, when we are anticipating it, it can feel unnerving to just wait.

We sometimes get to a point where change is mandatory because we have learned everything we need to in our current situation. Ask yourself if you are feeling restless, bored or antsy. These are side-effects of staying in one situation too long. Relationships, jobs and even places have built-in expiration dates. The resistance comes when we hold onto what the universe nudges us to let go.

Change can be difficult when we hold onto the past or when we are unclear of the future. If you are in the middle of transition (and who isn’t right now?) it can be difficult to navigate new territory. You might be mentally in the future but physically still releasing the past. Be kind to yourself through the transition.

Tweetable truth: “Change can be tough but the more present we are, the more successful we will be in our future.”

These five questions are essential to ask yourself through any life change. They can help you gracefully step into your future with less stress and more joy.

1. Am I feeling pushed or pulled?

Ask yourself if you are running away from something or avoiding a situation by escaping it. “Am I feeling pushed or pulled?” When situations become unbearable, we often feel pushed up against a wall. We may feel trapped, stuck or even paralyzed by the burdensome outcome. We may be looking to make a change because of desperation. These changes are usually scarier, unplanned and heavy in energy . Whereas feeling pulled by inspiration will help you make a more peaceful transition. To make real change last, choose to access your motivation from inspired actions, this will feel like a pull from your heart, joyful and full of love.

2. Am I settling?

Always ask yourself, “Am I settling?” Many of us focus on what we think we can get, not what we actually want. If you want the promotion focus on the actual number you really want, not what you think the company will give you. Don’t expect the worst, plan for the best. Most often we settle for less because of past mistakes that lead to outcomes we regret, which can fog up our rational thinking. We make choices based on past fears, which can prevent us from living more fully. Ask yourself what you really want, write it down and focus your intentions on it.

3. Do I trust myself?

 When we make life changes, whether they are inspired by ourselves or pressed upon us, we may lean on friends and family for support. What other people tell you about your situation is a reflection of them and their own life experience, fears and past choices.

It is great to listen to others, but wise to ignore them. You, yourself, know in your heart what is best for you.

Other people do not have your perspective or big picture in mind. Most people try to help but when we listen to them we can drown in lack of clarity. Do yourself a favor and check in with yourself instead. Ask yourself the questions you would ask a friend. The first answer that comes to you is usually your inner guide talking to you. Trust that inner voice. Ask yourself, “Do I trust myself?” and take steps to cultivate a healthy relationship with your gut feelings.

4. Do I feel trapped our free?

When we make choices based on fear, they will feel heavy and burdensome. When you make your choices based on inspiration and hope, they often feel expansive and joyful. Choose the joyful, love-filled route. Your choice will be more rewarding, and you will have no regrets.

5. Am I holding onto anything I can let go of?

One of the side-effects of life changes is growing pains. All change requires growth and if we hold onto our past, it can prevent us from moving forward. All change represents a new period of our life where we can welcome in new opportunities. If we hold onto too many things, beliefs, physical stuff, emotional burdens, we will not have room for the new goodness to come in.

Use the transition time to strip down, de-clutter and remove things, thoughts and relationships that you don’t want to carry into the new period. We often hold onto things that no longer serve us out of fear of losing what we worked so hard for. Do your future self a favor and get rid of it. You know what “it” is. If you are even having doubts about it, it is time to release it for good. We have to let go of the junkety-junk that weighs us down so we can fly.

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2 thoughts on “How to Stress Less During Change

  1. Kathy E Reply

    Inspiration to hold onto; this is a great thing. I’m up for letting go of the old and seeing new energy replace and rejuvenate in the opened space…

  2. Lora Reply

    Love this–especially letting go of fear and letting in trust! Regardless of change and stressful times, these are life lessons we ALL can benefit from. Thank you! 🙂

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