Dear Body, There’s Something You Need to Know…

Dear Body, I can’t believe I’ve never said this before. My dear body, it's long overdue, but you need to hear this from me. You need to know that you are magnificent. You need to know that I love you. You are incredibly beautiful. All of you—every expanded stretch of… READ MORE

How to Stress Less During Change

If you’re feeling stuck or at a standstill, you are not alone. Huge energetic shifts are going on right now on the planet that are keeping many of us in a "pause" mode. You may feel like you aren’t where you use to be, but you are not quite where you… READ MORE

How to Find Your Happy: Play With The World Manifesto (VIDEO)

I am so excited to officially announce the release of my book FIND YOUR HAPPY. Available online and in bookstores now. For me, this book couldn't be timelier as I have seen a shift in society over the past few months. As our political climate, environmental landscape and economic state… READ MORE