5 Reasons You Are Unhappy and How to Fix it

Do you feel like something is off in your life? Maybe you’ve been working toward your goals and things are starting to manifest for you, yet something still feels uncertain. Perhaps an area of your life isn’t going as well as you would like—you’re trying to be happy, but most days it feels impossible. If you relate, you’re not alone. Millions of people right now feel stuck, uncertain, and worried about the future.

I am a big believer in the power of thought and taking action toward what we want instead of focusing on what we don’t want. But even with thinking positive, there are sometimes blocks keeping us from being happy. In my life-coaching practice I work with people who are ready to remove limiting beliefs and fears holding them back so they can live the life they want and are made for. Recently, many of my clients have been sharing their dissatisfaction with certain areas of their lives. They feel unhappy and aren’t sure why.

If you feel this way, I’ve identified some of the top reasons you may be stuck and how to fix it. Enjoy these tips. I filmed this video my first week in Morocco (the start of my six-month journey abroad last year), a beautiful location for a beautiful message. Enjoy.

Five reasons you are stuck and unhappy (and how to fix that):

1. You are comfortable with the suffering.

Many of us unknowingly are so use to pain and suffering that we actually are more comfortable being uncomfortable in it. We stay in suffering because it is something we know. Even though it makes us unhappy, we often find it safer to stay in the pain. The unknown, being happy.. Healthy, free of the worry, is something we don’t know yet, so our ego, mind, and fear will try to keep us stuck. To bust through this pain, take one step forward out of the situation. For example, if you are in a career you don’t like, think about one step you can take to transition into the future. Could you start a side business, or set aside time each evening to do your passion, or apply for new jobs, etc.? The key is to take a step away from what is not working into what you want. Soon the suffering will be a way of the past.

2. You are settling.

Do you feel like you are just settling and managing what is? We stay in locations we don’t love, bodies we dislike, jobs and relationships that don’t fulfill our souls. Ask yourself why are you settling, why you feel like you aren’t worthy of your desires. We settle because we think it is the best we can get. The goal is to look at the areas of your life that are not fulfilling and repeat the mantra, “Fear is a byproduct of settling, I do not settle—I raise my standards.”

3. You aren’t dreaming big enough.

You may have goals and desires that want to be birthed in the world, but you probably get scared and shy away from your goals. Your dream is possible when you believe in yourself and go for it. Trust yourself and your dreams. Chances are, you aren’t giving yourself permission to dream big enough. Reach further, and go for what you really want.

“When you believe, many doors open.”

4. You are putting others first.

You have a big heart. You care so much about those around you and it brings you joy to make others happy, but when you take care of others before yourself ,you will be exhausted and maybe even resentful. Taking care of yourself first is an essential part of being happy and fulfilled. Ask yourself what self-loving thing can you do today for you. It is not selfish to tend to yourself firs—it is loving, and you deserve love and attention.

5. You won’t forgive yourself.

Many people feel unhappy because they are stuck in regret and fear. We have a running playlist of what isn’t going well in our life. We focus on the mistakes and hold on to anger to others, and even toward ourselves. Forgiving yourself is an import step in feeling more balanced and connected to yourself and life.

If you find yourself stuck in self-sabotage, fear, and regret, repeat the mantra, “I did the best I could with the information I had, and what I knew at the time. I forgive myself.” Most of the time we hold on to regrets and stay angry at ourselves. By repeating this mantra, you will be able to release the negative hold that has been with you.

I’d love to hear in the comments which step you’ll take to be happier.

Also, if you want to go deeper on this topic, check out my next online workshop here.

If you want to go even deeper on this topic check out my new book The Self-Love Experiment.

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