Rise Up! Shine Your Gorgeous Light (A Call to All)

How are you, my dear friend? I am reaching out today as a friend, a support, a reminder that you are not alone in this life journey. This week is extra heavy, and the confusion and fear on the planet is at an all-time high.

It is hard, disturbing, and impossible to try to understand what and why things have been happening on the planet: mass shootings, war, terror, catastrophic hurricanes, political uproar. When is enough, enough?

It seems we live in a world filled with hate, anger, chaos, and hopelessness. But, my love, do not let it consume you. The fear, it is here. But this is not who you are. This is not who humanity is; this is not the world we have to live in.

We all have hearts, and within us is love. But how do we move forward in the face of so much fear? We feel our feelings. We allow them to be present with our moments of despair. Breathe in all of the suffering and release it with a healing intention to grow into more love—this can lift up the entire planet. As your heart breaks, you can rise up and rebuild yourself, your life, and your community even stronger. Feel them all, let them consume you and move through you, and then release them. Use them as your teachers. Use them as the guide to say you never want to feel this again, this pain, and anguish, this frustration with life. Don’t become the dark; rather, rise up with your own inner light.

As Kris Carr said on her blog, Feel It All, “Then, dear lightworker, clean yourself up and step back into the arena, because this world needs each and every one of us to rise up, unite, and take action. Don’t give up. Don’t let your anger or helplessness soak into your tissues and make you sick. And never, ever think that you are powerless.”

You are so much stronger than you give yourself credit for. You are so much brighter than you can imagine. Rise up stronger and with more love in your heart, and together we can unleashed the good into the world.

The question still remains: how can we make sense of all this senseless acts?

We choose love over fear. We show up with more courage and purpose, we consciously rise up. In the darkness we must be the light. We must be the love. Now is not the time to let your doubt or uncertainty lead. Do not subscribe to the fear.

How do we move though fear?  Take action with love. We pray, we come together as one.

Fear loves separation. Fear parades around in hopelessness and basks in confusion.

But where there is love, fear will immediately disappear. Choose to rise up and shine your light even brighter. Compassion, kindness, and connection will move us forward.

Dedicating yourself to the light is not some self-love, self-help, hippy dippy dogma but mandatory for us to move forward. We as a collective whole, as humanity—we are all brothers and sisters and everything we do affects each other.

I implore you to rise up and be the light. So how do we do this, how do we change the state of the world? And yes, you, my dear, can make a change. It has to start with you, and me, and your friends—one person, one loving heart, at a time makes a massive difference. We can start by taking these actions immediately:

Clean up and address our angry hearts.

We can stop judging and condemning others within our own minds. It can be easy to blame and judge when we look at others, but we’ve been casting hateful thoughts out into the world every day with our own judgments on others and ourselves. When we make hurtful comments to others (whether they hear it or not), we are hurting ourselves and them. When we judge others, we judge ourselves. So let’s be better…rise up and stop the attacks on each other verbally, emotionally, physically, and mentally. This is our spiritual assignment to stop attacking one another, to step more fully into the light by cleaning up our thoughts and choosing love every time. Address the anger in your heart and heal it with love.

We can stop separating ourselves.

We can stop hating, judging, removing ourselves from those we think are different, less than, other than. Rise up and come together, we must; it is the only way forward.

Devote yourself to love.

How do you make sense of senseless acts? You dedicate yourself to love. You show up with even more courage, passion, and love for yourself and the world. Be there for your neighbor, show up for your friends, tell those you care about that you love them. To really change the world, we are being called to love the unlovable. The things we dislike and hate about this world and ourselves? Love them.

There is pain on this planet, and the pain has purpose. The things about yourself that you hate, the people in the world whom you don’t understand and the situations that seem unlovable need the most love. Rise up and shine light into these dark corners. Love will heal and move us forward.

Show up now. Shine brighter and shine more.

Instead of closing your doors, escaping, hiding out, or falling deeper into despair, choose to show the love that is within you. Let it come to the surface, because love is the only way we can move forward. As Kris Carr shares, “Now more than ever (and ever before that), we’re being challenged to step up and get our spiritual sh*t together. We’re called to turn our inner lights on and unapologetically shine them all over the world so we can root out violence, oppression, inequality, racism, and fear.”

It is possible these senseless acts are an invitation for us grow into greater love. A call for arms for humanity to rise up into the light and let the love fade out all fear.

A Call to All:

Do not let the world close you down.

Do not fall into despair and hide out from reality.

Do not turn away or accept this as the way it is.

Rise up, into the light.

Show up even brighter.

Trust the world.

Trust your neighbors.

Trust the things you don’t understand, let them be your teacher.

Trust the Universe and God and turn on your light.

Bring the light within you to the surface and shine it so damn bright that fear has no place in our hearts. Let love be your purpose.

Let love lead you.

Lean into the love.

Love more.

Love when it is hard.

Love the unlovable.


Do not fight the thing you hate and don’t understand with more hate and blame.

Fight them with love.

Stay with love.

Choose love.

Be the love.

I promise you that together we will see the change.

Humanity will rise up.

It’s our time to rise up.

Rise into love.

Stay in your truth: your truth is love.


This message inspired by Kris Carr’s blog, “Turn Your Lights On! (and Change the World)” and Summer Bacon’sEmail message from Doctor Peebles.

3 thoughts on “Rise Up! Shine Your Gorgeous Light (A Call to All)

  1. A Reply

    Shannon, I grew up with you. My sister is one of your best friends. This is the first thing I have ever read of yours and it is resonating to me. I am going through the hardest time in my life and at times give up on hope. Fear rules. I am still standing and intend on it. All I have is love. That is my only option. Thank you for reminding me in a moment of desperation.
    P.s. I just wanted to let you know. You don’t have to respond.

  2. Nancy Reply

    I just received Find Your Happy in the mail, I ordered it from Amazon, and so far I love it. I want to write full time but I’m stuck in a job I hate due to debt. I’m hoping this book will show me a way to break out and write full time.

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