11 Things to Let Go of Before the New Year

It will get better—here’s why.

As my friend, Jason Wacob, the founder of MindBodyGreen wrote, the year 2017 has been a time of incredible upheaval and economic disparity. We’re living in the most divided political landscape we’ve ever seen. Climate change disasters are spanning the globe. We’re witnessing heartbreaking racism and mental health breakdowns all across the globe. People want to make a difference, but we don’t know if we matter. Many of us feel hopeless, stuck, and angry. It is true—the planet we inhabit is in crisis. People are hurting. People are angry. And it is affecting all of us.

This year has been trying for me as well. I’ve personally suffered great loss, losing my soul mate, Tucker, but through this time, what’s kept me going is you. YES, you, X. Your commitment to positive light and making small changes to radically transform your life with courage and confidence is a joy to witness.

I believe the change in the world we want to see has to start with us, each committing to our own wellbeing. When we uplift ourselves we can help those we love, and this transcends out into our communities and impacts the entire world.

Today I am in your inbox to remind you that it will get better.

It can be easy to fall into despair, but we have a choice, and choosing to come together and hope and plan for a better world is what I am committed to.

Saturday is 11.11, which is a powerful number and intention-setting day.

Every time I see 11:11 on the clock, I make a wish, and most of the time they come true.

Let’s make a wish together.

On Saturday, November 11, I invite you to make an intention for yourself and the world and hold this vision. Then imagine this wish being granted.

Numbers are a universal language. They are a powerful way for us to connect to love and set positive intentions. The more you pay attention, 11:11 brings a message of oneness and unity that helps you to see, feel, and experience your connection. So at 11:11 tomorrow and throughout the day, please make your wish, say your prayer, set your intention for yourself, your loved ones, and the world.

Through this trying time, people have lost faith and hope is at an all-time low. Together we can shift this energy to raise our vibration and connect to possibilities again. So throughout the day, imagine your intention and hold this vision in your heart and trust it is coming true.

This marks the beginning of a new chapter for us all. One where we lean into love and let the possibilities inspire us. —Tweet

You may have noticed my website is updated, and, along with it, my purpose has evolved.

I’m dedicated to giving you the tools and inspiration to shine your light brighter and make the most of your time on earth. I want to grow into the space and let my message and teaching expand, which is why I am not doing as many weekly videos but more deep, thoughtful, evoking blog content.

My greatest gift and passion is writing, so you can expect to see more articles and life-changing inspiration. I will still have videos, but just like our own life, I don’t want to be confined to doing just one thing, I want to go where the joy is. And right now my joy is in exploration, believing in possibilities and writing my little heart out. Thank you for supporting this expansion.

What is expanding within you?

Open up to the possibilities of what might be instead of beating the tired drum of what was.

One of the main self-love principles from my new book The Self-Love Experiment is “In order to get what we want, we have to let go of want we don’t want.” As you set your intention 11.11, think about what you are ready to let go off.
Here are 11 things I am letting go of before the new year, join me in releasing what no longer serves us.

1. Let go of all thoughts that don’t make you feel empowered and strong.

2. Let go of feeling guilty for doing what you truly want to do.

3. Let go of the fear of the unknown; take one small step and watch the path reveal itself.

4. Let go of regrets; at one point in your life, that “whatever” was exactly what you wanted.

5. Let go of worrying; worrying is like praying for what you don’t want.

6. Let go of thinking you are damaged; you matter, and the world needs you just as you are.

7. Let go of thinking your dreams are not important; always follow your heart.

8. Let go of thinking everyone else is happier, more successful or better off than you. You are right where you need to be. Your journey is unfolding perfectly for you.

9. Let go of thinking there’s a right and wrong way to do things or to see the world. Enjoy the contrast and celebrate the diversity and richness of life.

10. Let go of cheating on your future with your past. It’s time to move on and tell a new story.

11. Let go of thinking you are not where you should be. You are right where you need to be to get to where you want to go, so start asking yourself where you want to go.

I want to hear from you, leave in the comments what you are ready to let go of.


9 thoughts on “11 Things to Let Go of Before the New Year

  1. Joanne Grant Reply

    Thanks for this Shannon. No. 8 rings true for me 🙂 Looking forward to reading more of your inspiring/uplifting articles! So sorry to hear about Tucker… I’ll miss seeing him popping up in your vlogs. Take care xo

  2. Tay-Marie Scott Reply

    Thanks, Shannon – I love your 11-11 theme — I want to expand it – yes, 11 things to let go of – plus 11 things I love now – and I’ll be lighting 11 candles for spirits we have loved when they were embodied. One for Tucker, and the other 10 for Joe, China, ‘mo, Cindy, Tavi, Rukka, Star, Mick, Wendel, and Fred. Thank You for the inspiration, Shannon. You light up my life.

  3. Diane Reply

    Thank you for the letting go of suggestions. Number 11. brought it all home, I have been kicking myself for not taking a class back in April, the summer session was canceled and I was very bothered by this, but, there is always another chance to take this class and everything will fall into place. This is not a race and everything WILL fall into place!

  4. Tay-Marie Scott Reply

    P.S. Your new idea for using words rather than video will be inspiring too, Shannon – but nothing can replace the uplifting energy, the positive spirit of “being with you.” Like – when we see and hear you – it’s so REAL – (anyone could be writing words and putting your name on it, you know?) “One picture is worth a thousand words.” Seeing, feeling, experiencing joy with your videos is a high — I hope you’ll still make them for special occasions – since you won’t be doing it as frequently now. Words are “quiet” – a food for the mind and heart – your videos “excite/delight” – are food for the soul. Thank You, Shannon.

  5. Artemis Reply

    Thank you Shannon for such an empowering blog. I feel so overwhelmed and hurt at times because of where I am in my life and I am always trying to stay positive, keep growing and moving towards the life I wish to have. But I love your 11 tips and even more so making a wish every time I see 11.11. Thank you so much for your positive energy of support. xo

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