11 Things to Let Go of Before the New Year

It will get better—here’s why. As my friend, Jason Wacob, the founder of MindBodyGreen wrote, the year 2017 has been a time of incredible upheaval and economic disparity. We’re living in the most divided political landscape we’ve ever seen. Climate change disasters are spanning the globe. We’re witnessing heartbreaking racism… READ MORE

A Year in Review: What I Learned

This year I became more of who I am meant to be. This didn’t happen because I reached more goals, or achieved a new level of success, or found more love in my life. Yes, those happened, but they were byproducts of me being authentic with myself. This year was… READ MORE

How to Make Peace With Where You Are

http://youtu.be/jfR0WuXAoDA Click to Watch Video - If You Dig It Click to Tweet. One of the hardest lessons in life is to actually be okay with where you are. We all have goals and dreams. We see where we want to be, but a conflict comes up because where we… READ MORE

Letter to My Younger “Hopeless” Self

When I was in high school, the boy I sat next to in math class didn't show up to school one day. He was a shy boy who never looked people in the eye when they spoke to him, but despite his quirks, I found him kind and considered him… READ MORE