A call to action: Your life is worth living

[embed]https://youtu.be/kZQ45LKzCZc[/embed] Something very interesting has happened in 2020. Yes, it’s been an unpredictable, challenging year, but in all this, there has been a revelation. We are seeing more of our true selves and the values we hold so dear. It’s almost as if 2020 has cracked us open to our… READ MORE

3 Life-Changing Questions to Ask When You Are Feeling Unmotivated

Are you feeling unmotivated, uninspired and perhaps even disengaged lately? You aren’t alone, right now, so many people feel frustrated because things aren't flowing the way we want. Maybe you’ve been working hard to make things happen and have nothing to show for it. No big wins, no lasting results?… READ MORE

It’s Time to Live a More Purposeful Life

Something happened between the release of my book Adventures for You Soul and The Self-Love Experiment. I fell in to the trap of the industry. It wasn’t by design, it wasn’t my agent or publisher putting these demands on me, it was me, only me. I became obsessed with trying… READ MORE

Unexpected Ways to Connect to Your Best Self Instantly

It's one of the most wonderful times of the year, or for many one of the most stressful. I spoke at an event last week about how to stay balanced through the holidays, and one of my suggestions was to connect to your joy, become a joy seeker. Afterward, someone… READ MORE

How to Know When You Should Give Up or Try Harder

It’s so beautiful in the fall. Fall has always been my favorite season because of the bursts of color, the intoxicating layers of life peeling away and folding into the next season. It’s gorgeous; the leaves all show us their style, then gracefully they fall to the ground, surrendering to… READ MORE

How to Stop Judging Yourself for Judging Yourself

The past couple of weeks have been some of the hardest weeks I’ve experienced in a long, long time. I am feeling out of sorts, unmotivated, the things I used to enjoy no longer fulfill me, and all I want to do is sleep—all the time. I feel like my… READ MORE

3 Simple Ways to Show Yourself More Love

  Do you handle hard times by being even harder on yourself? Do you blame yourself or feel shame and guilt when things don’t go as smoothly as you hope? You aren't alone; most of us have an inner critic that tries to run the show. Today I share my… READ MORE

How to Stop Jealousy from Stealing Your Joy

Do you find yourself comparing yourself to other people? Do they have something you want? Maybe you feel bad for feeling jealous, which only makes the situation worse. Being jealous is a part of being human, but if we aren't careful it will rob us of joy. When we are… READ MORE