A call to action: Your life is worth living

Something very interesting has happened in 2020. Yes, it’s been an unpredictable, challenging year, but in all this, there has been a revelation. We are seeing more of our true selves and the values we hold so dear. It’s almost as if 2020 has cracked us open to our core to expose all the things we were once able to hide from, and for this I am grateful. As we close down the year, I am focusing on reflection, integration and appreciation.

I’ve seen two stark separate paths unfold. There are those who have fallen into deeper fear and isolation.

It’s as if fear of dying is preventing so many from actually living.

In our efforts to be “safe” and “smart,” so many aren’t actually letting life in but resisting the living available to us.

And on the flip side, there are those (like many of my amazing coaching clients) who have said, “No more, my life is worth living and my dreams matter. We have this life to make the most of. “

The difference is between those who look to the outside world to tell them who they should be and how they should behave and those who trust their inner world and alignment with their heart.

“Remember that you always choose between truth and illusion.” —A Course in Miracles  

I am in your inbox today to share that life is worth living and this is your truth. Your life matters and the choices you make daily impact your future.

Are you hiding from the world and afraid to be seen, heard and expressed? Can you open up to this world and let yourself see the blessings all around.

Our head may tell us one thing, but it is time to live from our heart.

  • Go into your heart and ask, what matters most?
  • What is my deepest desire?
  • What is my deepest fear? And what would happen if this happened?
  • Who do I want to be in this world?
  • How can I live this life more courageously, boldly and from a place of immaculate love?

Step away from fear, and choose to lead with love.

Did you know that the number one regret of the dying is “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me” and “I wish that I had let myself be happier”?

Life is happening right now, but most of us are missing it.

Why are we waiting to live our life more fully? For so many, we are trying so hard not to get sick that we have become a shell of who we are. Covering up, isolating, arguing, demanding, fearing, condemning and avoiding others—loved ones. This is not our truth. This is not humanity’s purpose.

What would love do?

Over the past few months, I’ve been asking the question, what would the acceded masters do? If Jesus, Archangels, Buddha, Kuan Yin, St. Germain, Lao-Tzu, etc., were walking the earth in 2020, how would they respond to the current events across the globe?

I believe they would stay the course of love and be the example they wish to see in the world: light, compassion, joy and love. They would continue to live their lives because life itself is such a gift. They would honor the time they have been given and wouldn’t let the outside world tell them who they are, but rather show the world who they are by shining and being their light.

This same mastery is available to us all.

Your life matters and your life is essential, so start acting like you matter, because the world needs you to shine your light and choose joy. Choose life, choose happy.

Let yourself grieve.

Yes, there has been a lot of heartache and death this year. And with this comes grieving. I have suffered loss as well and work with people who are grieving in workshops and coaching sessions, and what I know to be true is what Ram Dass said: “They are grieving for their connection to the place within themselves where they feel safe in the universe and at home, loved and peace. When someone close dies, that feeling of safety and security is overturned.”

Our sense of safety and security has been rocked to its core this year, but this is an invitation to live more fully, more openly, and more intentionally. When we love so fully with another person, we transcend death. The love stays in our heart forever. So whether you lost your father three years ago, or just lost your best friend last week, death is part of life. In the book Polishing the Mirror by Ram Dass, he continues, “Recognize that you feel enriched by everybody you have loved instead of deprived by the loss of their form. You’ll soon see that continue to live in your heart.”

Everybody you have ever loved is part of the fabric of your being.

And that is where fear gets transformed into a living, loving space, a spiritual transcendence of the pain.

Our pain has purpose and it is important to look at these pain points and transcend them with love. We do this by living our life and living on purpose.

So today’s call to action is:

How are you going to make the most of the time you’ve been given?

This is not your practice life.

Your life is worth living, not after we get past this crazy time on earth called 2020, but right now.

Go live your brave beautiful life. The world needs you to shine!




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