How to Stop Judging Yourself for Judging Yourself

The past couple of weeks have been some of the hardest weeks I’ve experienced in a long, long time. I am feeling out of sorts, unmotivated, the things I used to enjoy no longer fulfill me, and all I want to do is sleep—all the time. I feel like my life is off track. Part of this I know is grieving; my dog, Tucker, passed on two weeks ago. In the wake of his leaving its left a huge hole in my heart. I am trying to be compassionate and gentle with myself, but trying to live life the way I used to is no longer working.

Although this time is extremely hard, I have the tools and mindset to get me through each day. Instead of letting the pain and fear take over, I remind myself that I am doing the best I can.

How about you? How are you feeling lately? Remind yourself that you are doing the best you can. Life can throw us curve balls, and we can feel overwhelmed, frustrated, even bad. If you are feeling bad for feeling bad, you aren’t alone.

I’ve started to feel like I shouldn’t be feeling this way. I find myself negotiating with my insecurities, trying to find comfort in the pain, but my ego, the fear part of me, says, “you are off track,” “you are doing it wrong,” “you are so lost in life.”

This is the piece of us that will do everything in its power to stop us from choosing love and committing to the light.

Our job is to recognize this inner critic and not let it rule us. In today’s video, filmed in Budapest, Hungary, I share three powerful steps to help you remove judgment of feeling off track in life and help you recognize that you are right where you need to be.

Watch here

Catch the Criticism

The inner critic will say you are off track, it will tell you that you suck, it will tell you that what you do doesn’t matter, but this is not you. It is a fear voice within you, but it is not who you are. The first step is to catch it, and then drop into your heart and trust it, which is that loving voice that will remind you everything is on track.

See the Purpose of the Situation

Whatever you are upset about, ask yourself, “What is the lesson here?” Ask your inner guide, “What is the purpose of this experience?” and be aware of the thoughts, feelings, and intuition that come your way. By getting clear about the situation, we will help you move through it more easily.

“The more you are learning from a situation, the more rapidly you can leave it.” – Sanaya Roman

Forgive Yourself

The final step is to let yourself off the hook. Stop overthinking the situation, stop worrying so much, stop thinking you are off track, You are not. Forgiving yourself means you recognize that everything happened for your highest good. The situation you find yourself in may feel difficult to navigate, but it is an opportunity for growth. One day, very soon, you will look back on this moment and realize it was never random. It was all for you and it was a key part of your story, to help you get to where you are supposed to be. Trust the process and forgive yourself.



3 thoughts on “How to Stop Judging Yourself for Judging Yourself

  1. Tay-Marie Scott Reply

    Dearest Shannon – I’m SO SORRY Tucker passed on – (that is heart-wrenchingly, heart-breakingly horrible, no words to say how awful it is) – our critters mean just about everything to us – (they are our soul’s companions – [actually: our heart, body, mind, and soul’s companions – all levels….]). Yes, please be gentle with yourself. (You know what to do.) Sending so much love and positive energy to you. And lighting a candle for Tucker. More Love for you both…

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