How to Believe in Yourself (Especially When It Feels Like No One Else Does)

Meet Jessie.

Jessie has big dreams and giant goals. She is starting to believe in herself and take action on the desires she holds so closely to her heart. But something happened to Jessie that made her question everything.

Last week, she reached out to a good friend to share her enthusiasm for her new dream she is pursuing, but instead of excitement, support and encouragement, her friend made a comment about how much money, time and energy it will take and how most people fail at those types of ventures.

Crushed, heartbroken and ready to go shove her face in a massive mounds of ice cream, Jessie begins to question herself. Her motivation has been replaced with worry. She thinks:  Maybe they are right. I don’t have what it takes. What if I fail? It will take a lot of time and energy, so maybe I should just quit now to save myself from embarrassment. After all, what if it doesn’t work out? I might as well stay in the current situation that is joyless. At least it is predictable. And I can manage and control the outcome.

Can you relate?

So many of us have ideas, dreams and goals, but when we share them with others who aren’t as supportive, instead of questioning them, we question ourselves. If you want more support from unsupportive people, today’s new episode can help.

I share this all-too-common pattern of questioning yourself and your dreams around unsupportive people.

What we cover in today’s new episode:

  • How to get support from unsupportive people
  • Why you feel off track and behind
  • When to let go of a dream, or keep going
  • How to believe and trust in yourself (especially when no one else seems to)
  • What to do when others make unsupportive comments
  • How to regain confidence, courage and self-respect

If you are ready to stop giving your power away to other people who don’t see how amazing you and your ideas are, listen and watch now.

Watch YouTube version herel

Or listen to audio here

After you listen or watch, maybe you can relate. Have you ever told someone about your goal, and they reacted less than supportively? This happens a lot when we start making goals and seeing them come true. Whatever your goal — if you decide to travel to Bali for a few months, quit your corporate job (go, you, go!), or you are finally ready to write that novel — dreams take courage. Dreaming can be risky, and when we act on our dreams, the risk is amplified in others. Dreamers set the stage for what is possible, they paint a picture of an ideal life, and for some this creates fear as they battle with their own lost hopes and desires.

Many of us don’t give ourselves permission to dream.

It is too risky and we say things like, “I might fail!” This keeps us locked into the fear danger zone. If you are dreaming, you are a visionary: someone stepping into the brave new world of “I MATTER and my dreams are worth it.” Give yourself credit; what you are doing is amazing!

Your job and mission as a dreamer is not to be derailed by unsupportive people.

Be confident in your own heart’s desires.

Your dreams matter and they are part of you for a reason. The more confident you are in your dreams, the less you will need others’ approval. If you are going to other people hoping they will support and approve of your goal . . . fat chance! The truth is, not everyone will support you. Guess what though, that is perfectly okay. Just as you might not understand why someone wants to achieve their dream, it doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Not everyone’s dreams fit for everyone. The best thing you can do as a supportive friend and dreamer is to be happy for other dreamers by supporting what makes them happy, and doing things in your own life that make you happy. Stop trying to please everyone by sacrificing yourself.

As a dreamer your job is not to get everyone on board with your plan, but to actualize your plan. Focus on actionable steps that will make your goals a reality.

After you check out this week’s episode, I’d love to hear in the comments what step you will take to support yourself even more.

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