This Radical New Concept Will Make You Happier

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Last week I heard a new song for the first time, and it moved me to tears. It was beautiful, full of courage, triumph, and expression. Now I can’t stop playing Rachel Platten’s “Fight Song” on repeat—it’s become my anthem for living each day more fully. (I play it at the end of today’s video if you want to hear what I am talking about.)

When is the last time life blew you away with goodness?

Can you recall a time you cried tears of joy from the extraordinary beauty?

Whether it is a song, a special spot in nature, or a sacred moment when you’re connected to your best self, life is full of wonder, and today’s message is about capturing the power of having your breath taken away.

I’ve adopted a radical, new concept in my life called “the power of AWE.”

If you want to take your life to new levels of happiness, check out today’s video and adopt the principles I share.

Albert Camus said, “Life should be lived to the point of tears.” Which means actively capturing the moments that take our breath away. The more we do this, the easier it is to enjoy the journey, and the greater chance we have of successfully living with more inner peace.

After this week’s episode, I’d love to know what moves you to happy tears. Let me know in the comments below.





6 thoughts on “This Radical New Concept Will Make You Happier

  1. Leslie Reply

    Loved this, thank you!

    I’m highly sensitive, so I find that a lot of things move me to tears and an overwhelming sense of awe, but I like your message of paying more attention to these things and also of seeking them out more.

    What moves me to happy tears? For me it’s the little things, just as much as the big things. A stunning sunset. Looking over at my husband of 9 years and just feeling gobsmacked in love with him. The way the sun sparkles like diamonds on the ocean on a sunny day. Looking way, way up into the treetops and marveling at how tall they can get. A beautiful piece of music. Really, life is just full of beautiful things to marvel at 🙂

  2. Nancy Reply

    The very first time I visited the Grand Canyon, it was an overwhelming experience. Tears flowed from my eyes and wouldn’t stop I was so in awe of the magnificent beauty! Wow! Thank you for the reminder and refreshing those memories. It’s time to make more Awe Moments in my life.

  3. Anita Reply

    What brings me to tears. Well every time I see a military formation, ceremony or event. Having been married to a Military Man for over 30 years, I know what they sacrifice each and every day. And even after they are not in the military they still honor their service. We need to all accept their jobs, their dedication and their love of life. So every time I see them I’m honored to be an American.

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