The Power of Turning Inward – Lessons Learned from the Mat

~featured on MindBodyGreen

Life is like an ocean wave: when we resist we get knocked over, but when we dive into it, we come out on the other side feeling refreshed, invigorated and truly alive. This metaphor is a lot like yoga. Each day when I come to the mat I can choose to resist or dive into the flow, the gentle rhyme of the practice. Yoga has inspired me to be a better person, a stronger woman and a more present and grounded human. Each day that I return to the mat, I am reminded of the life lessons that are available to us through yoga. Here are 5 ways how yoga can help transform your mind, body and soul to help you be stronger person.

1. Yoga Teaches You How To Listen to The Body

Our bodies are the best indicator of what is really going on with us. In yoga, the body is the tool of awareness. Our bodies will always tell us when we need to slow down, drink more water, eat healthier, etc. It is our choice to listen. When we deny the inner voice and resist our true self, stress builds up. But hearing our body and honoring what it is trying to tell us will help us live a more joyful and compassionate life.

2. You Get Out What You Put In

In life, there should be no shame or regret because in reality, there is no right or wrong. When we make a daily practice of yoga, we retrain ourselves to persevere and keep trying no matter what. We push through the uncomfortable aspects and only then can we see the true benefits. In yoga, there is no wrong way to do it as long as you try. The same goes for life. Just showing up and being present is 95% of the effort. Being present in the moment will help you feel more peaceful.

3. It Is Practice, Not Perfect  

Many yoga instructors tell their students it’s a yoga “practice” and not a yoga “perfect.” There is no such thing as perfection. It is a process and the journey is in the process. Just like life, practicing makes perfect but there is no real perfect to get to. Just being in the moment is the real perfection. There is no destination; there is only the journey. And practicing to be more compassionate, honest and sincere can help us feel more love.
4. Breathe Deeply and Appreciate the Moment  

Breathing in and out is part of the meditative motion of yoga. In life’s shuffle to get ahead, we sometimes forget to breathe. The essence of flowing air into the lungs and exhaling out helps the body function better and improves circulation and mental clarity. When we remind ourselves to be present in the moment we can feel more balanced.

5. Love Yourself

Yoga teaches us to never compare ourselves to anyone else. When we look outside of ourselves to feel better or validate our own self, we limit our own capabilities. You are uniquely you and no one can do or be what you are. Learning to love yourself fully is part of the yoga journey. Changing the way you look at the world starts with the conversations you have with yourself. Be kind to yourself,  and love yourself for being uniquely you.
~ Photo by Jordan Siemens 

One thought on “The Power of Turning Inward – Lessons Learned from the Mat

  1. Laura Kaiser Reply

    Great article! I’m learning to breath deeply, slowly and my posture is improving naturally. I’m slowing down my life with grace and ease, finding more time for reading, art, music, GARDENING, family and friends. I love – love – love yoga and what its doing for me. I no longer push for results, instead I’m amazed at how much more I really get done. How cool “Do less and have more”… it’s true.

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