Never, Ever, Ever, Get Rejected Again: Here’s How

Do you have a goal or desire that isn’t coming true as fast as you want?

Are you trying for something and it isn’t flowing?

Do you keep getting rejected?

The sting of being turned away and feeling rejected can make it difficult to stay positive and forge ahead. Rejection hurts, but if you are feeling rejected, then most likely that is keeping you from moving forward. But the truth is, rejection only hurts when you have expectations or you take it personally.

If you aren’t attached to the outcome, you won’t ever feel the sting of rejection. I am not suggesting you become complacent about your goals coming true—I simply mean that being focused on what you want is much different than being attached to the outcome. You can still focus on reaching your goals but remove rejection from the process.

In today’s video I share how I never, ever get rejected, and the things I want come to me with much more grace and ease.

If you are sick of closed doors and want to feel more aligned with your ideal life, watch my three-step process to never, ever getting rejected again.


1. All Rejection Is Protection

Rejection is not really a no, it is just a “not right now, it’s not a good fit.” When you align with your goal, what you want is the best possible fit and scenario to manifest. Meaning you want the best publisher for your book, you want the best possible partner for a soul mate relationship, you want the best new boss and co-workers possible for you. So when a no happens, it just means that the Universe is saying this isn’t the right alignment for you. So trust that you are being protected. You don’t have to know how or even why, you just have to trust that everything is in divine order. When you keep this faith, you will reach your goal much easier.

2. Release Expectations

Maybe you are pitching a book and a publisher turns you down. Instead of taking it personally, hold faith that it is this or something better. Focus more on the alignment of the outcome. How do you want to feel? Focus more on the feeling and essence of your goal than the actual logistics of it.

Any time you feel disconnected it is because of your expectations. Instead of feeling like it has to happen the way you need it to, focus on connecting to the essence, which mean you want your goal to manifest in the best possible manner for all involved. The manifestation process is stopped when we feel rejected. So turn your attention to your desires instead of the lack of them coming true.

3. Trust the Process

Let go of the timing and when you think your goal has to happen. Your goal coming true also affects a lot of other people. Your goal coming true has a ripple effect; sometimes the universe has to align other people, places, and situations in order for you to achieve the best possible outcome.

There is no such thing as rejection. Because every door that closes means you are that much closer to the right one. This is a mindset shift that you can practice daily.

Once you’ve had a chance to watch, I’d love to know…

How you handle rejection and how a recent rejection in your life turned out to be a blessing in disguise.



If you want more confidence in running your own business or turning your dreams into a reality check out B-School from Marie Forleo. When you enroll I am giving away extra bonuses resources to help you maximize your learning. Click here to learn more. 

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5 thoughts on “Never, Ever, Ever, Get Rejected Again: Here’s How

  1. Teri Reply

    Wonderful message that this self-professed control freak needed to here. I’m learning to stop “white knuckling” my dream so much, and just trust the process. (Sort of.) 🙂

  2. Linda Reply

    Yes, awesome!! and sometimes the experience of “rejection” or “lost opportunity” serves more than one purpose; both protection and experience. “The one that got away” was meant to come into my life to show me what I wanted in a guy, to recognize him ans see what was possible, but he specifically was not the one I was meant to be with, or there were aspects of myself I needed to “birth” before being with my next kindred soul.

  3. Sharita Reply

    Thank you Sharon. What you say is uplifting and has lot of wisdom. A clear path to turn away from negativity and it’s self sabotaging effects.

  4. Stephanie Dreyer Reply

    This is so helpful and exactly what I needed to hear after getting another rejection letter from a book agent this month. When I reframe it in your steps above, I see that it is all happening for me. Thank you!

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