15 Life Lessons I’d Tell My Younger, Stuck, Struggling, Self

Are you struggling to make a dream a reality?

A big dream of mine was to be a successful entrepreneur.

The first three years of my business were the hardest, but not because they were particularly hard—mostly because I made them hard with my expectations and attachments to how it should look. I was always trying to get to the next level, the bigger book deal, more followers and subscribers, more clients, and more sales, believing success was tied to these. I had something to prove. Most of us feel the struggle when we start out. We look at other entrepreneur who have been at it longer and we think “why are they so far along?” “How come I can’t have what they have?” This type of compassions hurts are ability to reach success. Instead of looking at others ask yourself what you can do to get more results now.

Something shifted, a radical breakthrough that changed everything for me. Instead of looking outside of myself, I shifted inward. I thought, “If I want my business to work, I have to make sure I am working.” I put myself on a self-love practice, dedicating myself to healing and health, and within months my business grew.

I tripled my income, landed a book deal with the largest publisher in the world, and truly made my business to location independent, allowing me to work and play anywhere in the world.

Instead of looking outside of myself, I turned inward and started to visualize my success. Sometimes we feel like we aren’t where we are suppose to be. We feel like we are putting so much effort in, but not seeing the results. A simple exercise I tell my clients in my entrepreneur mentorship program is to start to celebrate how far you’ve come.

Instead of focusing on how you aren’t where you think you should be, look at all the amazing things you are actually doing.

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In my new book Adventures for Your Soul, 21 Ways to Transform Habits and Reach Your Full Potential, I talk about the benefits of visiting your younger self. If I could go back to my younger self—the one who was striving, the naïve, uncomfortable, feeling lost and like a failure trying to navigate this new territory person—I’d remind her she is doing a great job. Whether you want turn your passion into profit or have another dream that isn’t coming true as fast as you want, keep going and remember these simple lessons

  1. Fall in love with the hard work. It pays off.
  2. Your business won’t work unless you do.
  3. The more YOU that you show, the more your dream will grow.
  4. Act on your inspiration sooner. Much sooner.
  5. Don’t worry about there; the journey is the reward.
  6. Find a mentor much sooner. They will help you learn the way on the way.
  7. Focus on your mission over money.
  8. You can’t be envious and grow your business at the same time.
  9. Prioritize self care; it’s connected to your abundance.
  10. You are always exactly where you are supposed to be.
  11. You’ll get that opportunity when the time is right; you are still becoming who you need to be to receive it.
  12. You have to believe it before you see it.
  13. What you focus on grows, so focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want.
  14. Take action before you are ready. Confidence comes in the doing and showing up.
  15. Invest in your personal growth.


What would you tell your younger, just getting started still trying to make your dream into a reality self?


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