Why I’m Embarking on a 365-Day Trip Around the World — Solo.

I remember the exact moment I realized I had been living my entire life inside the box, that all I knew before was black and white. I had no idea there was an entire world outside of my old comfort zone. There was life to be lived outside of the small, confined corner I had spent so many years inside of. It was as if someone had handed me a giant paintbrush and showed me how to brush outside of the canvas. The possibilities were now endless. Suddenly, staying in the lines, conforming, sticking to the status quo, no longer appealed to me. I had broken free. I had a plane ticket to Europe.

I arrived in a foreign land, and all of a sudden I experienced everything I didn’t even know I was missing in life. Right then, I made a promise to myself at age 18: I will come back to this feeling (for when I travel I feel alive, I feel like my best self), and I will make travel a focus for my life. I silently set a goal: I will travel the world for an entire year before I die, and this is my ultimate dream.

This month that dream, which has been tucked in my heart for almost two decades, is about to be realized. I embark on the Joy Seeker Project, a one-year journey around the globe. I will be visiting 27 countries and 32 cities in 365 days. (See the full itinerary below.)


People keep asking me, why?

Why am I jumping forward into the great big world, letting go of all expectations and fears, and swimming deep into all corners of life? Why am I perfectly okay leaving everything behind? Simply put, I am committed to awe. I want to be stunned by life. I want to live outside the lines and color my canvas so bright that I light up my life and feel inspired from within.

Because living outside the lines is where massive growth happens.

That’s what living is about, to express our deepest desires and live our authentic truth. This trip isn’t about travel but self-expression. It is about living in complete trust and honoring your soul’s call.

This isn’t something that is reserved for the few. Every one of us can opt into a life that makes us feel good.

So why am I traveling around the world solo—not because I am lost in life, but because for the first time in 37 years, I’m found.

Travel to me is self-expression; it is clarity. It is confidence and adventure. We find out who we really are when we dive deep into our own life. Traveling invites us to participate more fully in the creation of our potential. We become explorers of our own heart’s deepest desires.

Following our dreams challenges us to grow faster, feel deeper, love harder and stare straight into our deepest fears and insecurities and call their bluff.

This dream is more than just an adventure or destination checked off a bucket list. Travel is my partner in life, teaching me how to live more fully in this world with compassion, humility and courage.

The gift travel offers us is change and growth. It gives us a foundation for new beginnings, accepting what we can’t change and opening ourselves up to more.

We owe it to ourselves to go after the dream tucked deep in our soul. Whatever the dream, it is yours begging to be realized. This is more than a dream come true and more than a trip around the world; it’s an opportunity to finally show up more fully, to let go, and to surrender all expectations and truly trust that life will always give us exactly what we need.

You may not be planning a trip, maybe you don’t LOVE travel, but chances are you do have a dream in your heart. You do want to be more authentic and you do want to express joy.

The Joy Seeker Project is a promise to ourselves that we will choose to live a life that feels good on a soul level. We tune in to our deepest desires and learn to trust ourselves, for what we truly seek is already within. Join me for your own Joy Seeker Project. Together we can:

  1. Let go of all expectations and be fully in the journey.
  2. Create space for more expansion, growth and self-love.
  3. Trust ourselves fully and live from our heart.

Will you join me? Let’s commit to being joy seekers. Because the world needs you and your joy.

I can’t wait to take you with me around the world.

Sharing the journey is the real reward. Join me on Instagram here.


The Joy Seeker Project:

20 countries, 32 cities, 365 Days around the globe.

The itinerary:

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