Super Easy & Powerful Ways Upgrade Your Morning Routine

Is your morning routine making you unhappy?

Do you wake up in the morning and feel good in your body and connected to your true self? Or do you grudgingly push snooze, run through the list of all the things you should do and mentally beat yourself up for all of yesterday’s unmet expectations?

That was me for several years. I hated waking up. It meant going to a job I felt disconnected from and suffering through yet another monotonous day full of self-doubt and fear.

Today my life is much different. I have a morning practice that fills my soul and connects me to my best self. If you want to be happier and healthier it could be as simple as shifting your morning routine.

In today’s video, I share three morning tricks you can try that can instantly improve your mood. Watch here:

Here are three simple things I do every morning to ensure I stay balanced and connected to my true self.

1. Befriend Your Inner Critic 

Our inner critic will run rampant if we don’t address it. From the moment you wake up, instead of letting that negative voice creep in, quickly say positive thoughts to yourself about yourself and your day. Every morning when I wake up, before my eyes even open, I say to myself, “You are loved. You are beautiful. You are going to have a great day.” I hold this vibration and intention for at least a minute and it helps me wake up feeling unconditional love and excitement for my day. When you can address your inner critic, it no longer will run amok.

2. Live Your Values

Each morning, I ask myself the same thing Steve Jobs did. “If today is your last day alive, would you want to be doing what you are doing?” If my answer is no, I adjust. I also wake up asking myself key questions, like what can I do today that my future self will hug me for? Asking yourself key questions each morning will help you align to your truth.

My new book Find Your Happy Daily Mantras asks daily questions to help you align with your own happiness. Check it out if you want to go deeper with this practice.

3. Gratitude the Attitude

From the moment I wake up, I run through all the things I see and feel that I am thankful for. I realized along the way that the best way to get more of what you want is to be thankful for what you have. I choose gratitude not to get more, but to truly celebrate all that is great in the moment. To be super happy, practice being thankful for what is going well in your life. You can start by listing 3 things a day you are grateful for. Of gratitude is difficult for you, you can start by appreciation. Turn your attention to what you appreciate and you will soon feel better.

 4. Create a Feel-Good Go-To Kit

In my own journey to health and happiness one trick that helped me feel better was creating a go-to kit of things that bring me joy and make me feel better.

My Good Mood Kit Includes:

Find Your Happy Daily Mantras 

I wrote my new book to share the tools I used in my own life to heal my anxiety. Mantras are a powerful way to focus on the good and overcome fear based thoughts. This book is 365 days of powerful intentions, mantras, meditations and journal questions. It’s a perfect tool to use daily to help you open your mind, heart, and spirit to create a more purposeful, healthy, and happy life.

Find Your Happy Daily Mantras Card Deck

I also use Doreen Virtue Angel Cards, Ester and find your happy card deckJerry Hicks, Law of Attraction cards and my own Find your Happy Daily Mantra card deck. There are fifty-six inspirational mantras along with daily motivation to help you align with your best self. These mantras will help you tune in to the flow of the universe, show yourself compassion when times get tough, and break free from emotional restraints. I use them throughout the day and first thing in the morning to help me stay balanced. They are a great tool for feeling inner peace.


Nature Made Vitamins

Today my health routine is consistent and this helps me feel better than I ever have. One of my daily go to habits is to taking Nature Made Vitamin D. Not only do they taste good, but maintaining healthy levels of Vitamin D in the body have been shown to be an important part of health.I look forward to taking my vitamins because it is part of a consistent routine that keeps me healthy and happy.



I’ve been working with crystals and studying them for the past year and they have become a foundation for my happiness. They can clear emotional blockages, stimulate creativity, and elevate your mood through the vibrational power. I carry crystals with me in my computer bag, I speak on stage with one in my pocket and I even fall asleep meditating with them. They can help you stay grounded and ward of negative energy. Crystals may sound woo woo , they did for me at first, bit once I started using them, my energy shifted for the better. Really they are just stones from the earth, their potential to ground you and help you stay focused is a natural part of life.

What about you? Consider making your own feel good kit and use it daily. What would you put in your daily kit?

Disclosure: This post contains partner links. I teamed up with @NatureMadeVitamins as a #HealthyTogether ambassador to help you make the most out of each day. As a paid Nature Made Ambassador, I share my top wellness strategies to make 2018 your most feel-good year yet.


3 thoughts on “Super Easy & Powerful Ways Upgrade Your Morning Routine

  1. Jillian Reply

    Dear Shannon:
    This has helped me tremendously I always wake up in the morning with great anxiety and fear. I love your book the self love experiment. You are an inspiration. Thank you.

  2. Dores Lagman Reply

    Thanks Shannon! You’re a such an inspiration!

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