How to Stay Calm in a Chaotic World

We’re living in a turbulent time, the most divided political landscape we’ve ever seen. Climate change disasters are spanning the globe. And in light of ongoing news regarding the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), fear is at an all-time high. It seems that the planet we inhabit is in crisis and so is humanity. Many people feel trapped by conditioning, fear, and anxiety.

But I want to offer hope. I believe in times like these our trust in life and the unknown and faith in the Universe and God will be tested. But we have a choice, we can either move into more fear and believe what is projected, or we can choose love. It is important to pay attention to how you are feeling, it is valid. Your feelings are indicators of your emotional needs and you should give yourself permission to feel what you need to. But ask yourself if your feelings are helping or hurting you? In times like these, we can align with God, (The Universe, Source Energy,) and have faith that we do have more power than we have been lead to believe.

I’m not discounting the situation or turning a blind eye to what is going on, but it is paramount we keep perspective. The stronger our faith and spiritual practice are, the more balanced we can feel through these turbulent times. In the midst of chaos and confusion, there are things we can do to feel better, which is why I am writing this article.

Have you noticed that fear has spread faster than the coronavirus itself? Fear and anxiety can hook us in and keep us from the truth. In times of extreme chaos, we have a choice, and in today’s video, I share the 3 easy steps we can do right now to stay calm amid chaos.

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older, or 18.1% of the population every year. As someone who was diagnosed with clinical depression and extreme anxiety over a decade ago, I cured myself by going on a personal growth journey that lead to my spiritual awakening. I turned my attention away from the drama of the world (because we have no control over that) and instead focused on the inside (what I can control).  With mindfulness, mediation, self-care, personal growth, and strong spiritual practice, I was able to heal my anxiety and depression. I am sharing this because the key to our healing and reaching inner peace is in the foundation we establish for our own wellbeing and our commitment to love.

Our self-care, self-love and personal growth routine are the foundation of a peaceful life.

There is craziness out in the world. It can be hard to feel calm and hold peace when things seem to be falling apart. Uncertainty about the economic state of the world, our health, and political landscape can keep us feeling disconnected and in fear. I have a practice I use every day to help me align with peace and make sure the chaotic aspects don’t get me down.

If you are overwhelmed by life and the negative aspects of the world, tune your attention to love. Start by focusing on what is going well and detach from the negativity. If you really want to feel inner peace, try these powerful tips:

1. Detach from the Drama

One of the ways we can start to feel better is by paying attention to what we are consuming. “What you consume will consume you,” as Ralph Smart says. We can stop focusing on what is going on out in the world and instead focus on our inner world and choose peaceful thoughts. We can cultivate kind thoughts. We can see fear for what it is, a distraction and an illusion that tries to manipulate our reality.

As my mentors, Dr. Peebles and Summer Bacon said, “Fear is the pandemic. It has been around for centuries, and the only cure for it is Love, along with healthy doses of faith, trust, kindness, and gratitude. Note how fear has spread faster than the coronavirus itself. Politicians, religious leaders, the medical industry, and others know much about the psychology of fear, and how to use it to control the masses. They have been doing it for centuries. The greatest rebellion that you could have is the rebellion against fear, through the smallest acts of kindness, warm gestures, offerings of food for the hungry, a shelter for the homeless, ignoring the media, and replacing all of the time you spend listening to it (the media) with good thoughts, kind behaviors, healing touch, and prayers for those who are awash with fear, that they may know God’s love in their life.”

Focus on controlling what you can control. When the world is in a panic, you can’t waste precious time focusing on what you have no control over. Most likely there will be situations and issues beyond your reach. There is no need to waste valuable energy on these problems. Instead, look for solutions and focus on your wellbeing. Practice kind thoughts, help others with love and use your own resources to make a difference when and where you can. Most importantly keep living your life.

Live your life with love, courage, and awareness that you can make an impact by being an example of what’s possible when you choose to love with faith, courage, and joy.

2. Honor Yourself

When things get hectic and the world seems to be crazy, we tend to abandon what we are doing so we can try to put out fires or stay in the loop with the drama. Our self-care routine can go out of the window, but the most important thing you can do is stay strong and sturdy in your daily routine. If you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or frustrated, ask yourself, “How can I find more balance?” “What can I appreciate today?” “How can I stay committed to my self-care and self-love routine?” Your task is to identify what makes you feel good and enjoy each moment more fully. This will help you feel more peace. Focus on self-care and nurturing yourself with compassion, love, kindness, and gratitude. Mediation is a good way to calm your own anxiety and stay grounded in the present, and prayer can help us all as well.

3. Honor Each Other

There can be a temptation during times of crisis to think of yourself and your family first — and depending on your specific situation, you may not have the resources to do more in the community. But for people who do have the ability to support others, it’s a crucial time to do so. Do you feel called to volunteer, give money or donate to food banks? Extending a helping hand is critical for the moral of our world. We all need each other, and now is a time to help where and when you can. Lots of organizations, such as food banks and social service groups are collecting donations. Check on your neighbors, check-in with family, open up yourself with love to help the community and loved ones.

4. Enjoy the Little Things 

In times of chaos focusing on joy is the farthest thing on our radar, but each moment is an opportunity for us to transmute our fear into love. After all, the little things are what count in life and what truly matters most. you can enjoy a cup of tea, be present when you pet your furry friends, take a salt bath, or laugh with your little ones, use this time to really be present in each moment and focus on being thankful for the simple pleasures that you do have.

5. Trust the Journey of Life

So often we get overwhelmed by what is or isn’t happening in life. You may feel like you aren’t where you are supposed to be, that things aren’t going the way you want, but recognize that there is a universal plan always at play. The only way to truly heal and help bring more peace to the world is to invite more love. If you feel overwhelmed by the world and what is happening, focus for a moment on your inner world. A Course in Miracles states, “Your outside world is a reflection of your inner state,” so if we see chaos, disease, and uneasiness out in the world, we have an opportunity to look within and see the uneasiness within ourselves. When you focus on what you can control, your inner world you will have more moments of peace. And each moment you focus on being in gratitude for what is going well, you soon see how nothing outside of you can hurt you, especially when you are aligned with love.

I want to hear from you. What are your thoughts on these ideas presented? What are you doing to stay calm, and protect your energy and your mental and physical wellbeing? Please leave your thoughts in the comments.

2 thoughts on “How to Stay Calm in a Chaotic World

  1. Rossella Giordano Reply

    I am going through this bad period at home with my mother who has senile dementia and who sees everything black, invents bad things that do not exist and in addition there is the coronavirus. I am full of fears both at home and outside but fortunately I have faith. I also believe that there is a divine plan and I am having fun trying to understand God what he is doing in the world. I remain a curious spectator of what is happening and I await instructions.

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