How to Move Forward When You Feel Utterly Hopeless

Recently I’ve been struggling, emotionally, internally, even physically. I’ve been trying to understand why things are happening the way they are and the unfolding of certain life events in the political, economic, social and environmental arenas. If you’ve been watching the news or paying attention to politics, world affairs and cultural patterns, you may be feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, confused and fearful.

But you don’t have to be watching the news to feel disconnected and off track right now. So many of us wonder if what we are doing is really worth it and whether we can really make a difference. This disconnection can lead to hopeless patterns fueled with despair.

While traveling earlier this year, I felt an overwhelming lack of purpose. I felt disconnected and craved more meaning. Sure it was wonderful exploring the world and seeing amazing places, but what I wanted was community and connection. What I needed was humanity.

We can feel hopeless, especially when we look outside of ourselves at the craziness unfolding all over the world. Natural disasters, political resistance, divisions, corruptions: I admit I was falling into the trap of despair. I felt like nothing I could do would make a big enough impact. So I resigned myself to hibernating my beliefs and hiding my position. After all one person can’t really make that much of a difference, can they? There is so much fear and pain in the world, what is the point? so I thought…

But then I came across the quote by Stefani Germanotta, also known as Lady Gaga. In 2016 the Dalai Lama and Lady Gaga shared the stage together at the U.S. Conference of Mayors for a plenary session on kindness. They addressed these topics even deeper. Lady Gaga explained, “It’s really not rocket science. I sometimes think young people are so afraid because they think there is no solution, but there is. The solution is that we need to build a kinder and braver world,” Gaga said. “In times of chaos and crisis, what we all tend to do is start pointing fingers at where we think the bad guys are, where the evil is. Everybody has different opinions about that. Please do not forget that hatred or evil, whatever you want to call it, it’s intelligent. It’s smart and it’s invisible. It doesn’t have a color, it doesn’t have a race, it doesn’t have a religion, it has no politics. It’s an invisible snake. While [evil] is planning to make its attack, it is thinking to itself I am going to divide my enemy into smaller, less strong groups and then I’m going to make them hate each other, so that it’s easier to take them down. And as we’re all yelling at each other trying to figure out which group it is, evil is winning all around us.”

It occurred to me that most of our hopelessness, restlessness, frustration and overwhelming anxiety is produced by fear. It is driven by the force of separation. Many of us disenchanted because we aren’t really connecting to others on a soulful level.

And then to further home in on this idea, I went to a Matt Nathanson concert, and he said, “We seem to all be on a team, my team vs. yours. My political party vs. yours. My president, not my president. We are all compartmentalizing ourselves and separating ourselves because we don’t have the same views, or look the same, or believe in the same thing. It may feel good to be angry but this is tearing us apart. It actually feels a lot better to choose compassion and empathy. Just because someone doesn’t believe in the same thing I do doesn’t make them any less of a human. We can all coexist in this world, and the only way to truly move through this darkness is to come together, to unite, to join one another instead of push against and fight.”

Coming together is the cure for all of our ails. Our emotional pain will dissipate when we choose to stand up in our own light and stay strong together united in our humanity.

I realized that my lack of passion was misdirected purpose. Instead of feeling hopeless, I started to ask, “How can I help?”

Instead of saying, “I can’t make a difference. What is the point?” I started to say, “What type of difference do I want to make?”

Which led me to a deep inner calling to help animals in need. I have teamed up with the Golden Bond Rescue of Oregon to fly to China to help escort and rescue pups in need of a good home. This mission, travel with purpose, is what I was missing before. Where do you feel called to help? Is it to help those who have no voice, is it to actually use your own voice, now is the time to speak up, take action and stand tall in your own power.

It’s much easier than we think. In times when we feel helpless, all we have to do is roll up our sleeves and say, “Where do I feel guided to take action?”

For me it was a loud inner voice that said, “You must help animals. Save these dogs so they can bring love to the right families here in America.” Because the more love we have in any form, will raise the vibration on the planet .

We can do our part by being, sharing and spreading love.

If you are feeling hopeless, stuck in fear or overwhelmed with anxiety, uninspired, powerless or helpless, recognize there are things you can do to feel more empowered.

These tips can bring you joy and peace.

Doubt Your Doubter

Ask yourself where you feel hopelessness. Have you been saying there is nothing you can do? Push back on this belief and challenge yourself. Start to doubt your doubter.

Simply entertain the notion that there can be another way and there is actually a lot you CAN do. It is simply about being more willing to see the solutions instead of the problems.

Feel your feelings, even your sadness, frustration and disappointment. Embrace your anger and let fear sit with you. But don’t let it take you over. A large problem is, we haven’t let ourselves feel. Do not run from your feelings, but be present with them and let them show you a way out.

Stop Shame, Judgment and Blame

The more we cast out judgment or shame others for being different or seeing the world differently than us, we separate ourselves. And this separateness is what’s hurting humanity. We all want to feel connected and the easiest way to do this is by being aware of where you’re giving your energy away. What are you spending your time worrying about, judging, focusing on and condemning? Are you putting people, places, and situations into categories? Right and wrong, good and bad, etc. From a spiritual perspective, everyone is on their own path and we are all here to grow into love and their is no right or wrong. Choosing love instead of hate and judgment, even if people have different beliefs, is the way to help us feel more empowered.

Who have you been judging, condemning, hating and fearing? Can you send them prayers, love and light? Can you pray for their well-being? Because we are all connected, when you hate others you are hating yourself. Choose love, it will move us forward.

Open Yourself Up Instead of Closing Down

This is a perfect time to get involved with organizations you believe in, share more of your true self with loved ones, and open up instead of isolating yourself and closing in.

Where can you take more action? If you’re feeling hopeless, you might have thoughts like I did: “It’s hopeless, so it would be a waste of time to try.” And because of this, you don’t do anything, and you remain hopeless.
But there are steps you can take to feel better immediately.

  • Educating yourself is one of the best ways to stay in the light and overcome fear. Learn as much as you can about all topics presented. The midterm elections are coming up, make sure you vote based on values. See movies that challenge you and invite more questions like Fahrenheit 11/9. Ask questions, push back and most importantly identify what you care about and stand up for what you believe in.
  • Use social media, speak your mind in an empathic, kind manner. Social media is about connection and coming together. Use this platform to unite with others all around the globe.
  • Volunteer Give your time, money or energy to a cause you truly stand behind, not because it will make you look like a good person but because you are moved from within to help.

Let Grace Guide You

Fear is ugly, it is insecure and it is the opposite of love. Through this uncertain time, align yourself with love. Choose grace, let grace in, let grace be your light. As another Facebook friend Sheliey Lundquist says, “You are not the things that happen to you. You are the grace that follows.”

I’d love to hear from you in the comments. What steps will you take to come together with community and loved ones?


Here are resources to help you feel more empowered and get involved

More Good Reads on This Topic

The Fastest Way to Make a Difference in a World with So Much Pain?

6 Empowering Things You Can Do Immediately in the Wake of Tragedy

4 thoughts on “How to Move Forward When You Feel Utterly Hopeless

  1. Tay Scott Reply

    Thank You, Shannon… Lately, I’ve been stuck in the idea: “You can’t please all of the people all of the time, so do nothing, say nothing… we’re too different.” (In the sense that musicians, artists, writers don’t appeal to everyone… and what I’m trying to offer in my work appeals to only a handful, actually, so I feel very separated, disconnected, put down, and yes, “utterly hopeless.”) But your words about taking steps anyway, “because you are moved from within to help” – cleared that out. To allow the inner desire for “a kinder and braver world” to outshine the dark thoughts of despair and isolation and frustration… it just turned me around! If I help just a handful of people in my own way, and they help a handful in their own way, and so on, and on, pretty soon all of the people all of the time will have smiles on their faces. A world where people did nothing and said nothing might be peaceful… but we’d be missing so much joy.

  2. Sophie Reply

    I can’t stand the news and take all steps to avoid it, for some time I contemplated setting up an online Good news newspaper, I recently googled and found someone has done just that! I subscribed and now get one email a day with 3-4 good news stories, the likes of which shoukd make it to our news headlines but all the depressing stuff gets priority.
    I highly recommend their daily dose of good news from The Good News Network (

  3. Dores Lagman Reply

    Thank you Shannon. When are you coming here in San Francisco?
    Let me think about about having a conversation with you regarding about feeling stuck.

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