How to Express Your Feelings

Being able to express our emotions in a healthy and constructive way is essential to life and all of our relationships. It can also be a huge factor in how we take care of ourselves. In Sherianna Boyle’s book , she states that feeling our emotions is key to help flush out negativity and clear a path for new positive habits. She says, “There is only one emotion, love. Everything else is a reaction.” The only real, pure state is one of love. So, when we feel the feelings that need to be expressed and allow them to move through us, we heal. We return back to our true state of wholeness.

Life Truth: Our emotions are gifts; when we accept them to be our guiding light, they lead us to our truth.

In my book Return to You, I share that, we aren’t taught how to express ourselves through emotions, but this is built into our DNA and human function. In fact, society will often tell you to hide your feelings, using statements such as “Suck it up,” “Big girls don’t cry!” “Be a man, don’t show emotion!” or “Don’t be such a baby.” This common vernacular gets drilled into us at a young age and disconnects us from experiencing the real, raw human experience. But we have it backward. 

Life Truth: Our emotions are gateways to our higher self and divine connection to Source energy.

When you allow yourself to feel, you open up your energy field to access the divine wisdom available to us all. In the teaching of Taoism, the heart is your message center. We can connect to love through our heart. It is not the everyday human ego (stuck in the head) self, but a deeper self—your true self, the innate wisdom within. True self a state of peace, while the ego self is easily agitated and disturbed by life. The true self  love, while the ego self feels a lacking of love, which is why it is constantly seeking love and acceptance from outside sources and attachments. When we go within our heart, we can allow the true self to be our full self.

Choosing your true self is choosing alignment with the At any moment of any day, you have a choice to align with your true nature or not and we do this when we allow ourselves to feel and tap into our emotions. When you choose this path, you activate your heart center, and the connection to wisdom and intuition is ignited. When acting from fear or unprocessed emotions, we feel frantic and panicked, but by aligning with our true selves, we can make choices from love, which is calm, connected, and more spacious. Always ask, “Will this bring me peace, or take away my peace?” and make choices from the place that helps you feel most whole. And if you don’t know which choice is best, you can always say this prayer.

A Prayer for Discernment

Dear Source,

Please guide me to the path of least resistance and optimal alignment. Please help me see the truth and connect to the outcome that is for the highest good of all involved.

Photo by J. Balla Photography on Unsplash







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