How to Eliminate All Worry From Your Life

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Dr. Wayne W. Dyer describes worry as the act of becoming immobilized in the present moment as a result of things that are going, or are not going, to happen in the future.

So many of us worry about how things will play out. What will happen if we go one direction vs. another? What if we make the wrong choice? We worry about things we can’t control, outcomes, situations, unmet expectations, other people, the number in our bank account, the number on the scale, and at the end of all the worrying we still don’t have a resolution. In essence worrying gives us some sense of control, as we mentally play out multiple scenarios inevitable landing upon the worst-case outcome.

Worrying is a lot like wishing for what you don’t want. All worrying does is keep us from moving forward.

The situations we spend so much time obsessing over, become our focal points, creating more lack. Yes, that’s right worrying about not having money, or nor finding your soul mate, or even worrying about how you can’t be happy, creates the thing we don’t want, no money, no loving, relationship, and unhappiness.

Worry makes it harder for us to recognize what is driving our lives. Many of us see things happening out in the world and we take it all in and worry about our safety or future; our “right now” is consumed with deprecating, fear-based thoughts projected into our future.

But what if there was another way to live? What if we removed worry from our lives and learned to embrace the unknown?

Worry can became a signal of opportunity? Instead of worrying about a situation, we can learn to play it out in the manner we desire. Worrying about something doesn’t change anything except your current state. If we shift away from worrying, we can bask in love, joy, and abundant excitement.

Worry is not bad, as long as you catch it in action. These steps can help you eliminate worry and live your life more fully.

Address Your Fear of the Unknown

When I feel myself start to worry, I confront it and ask, “Why are you worried?” Almost every time I am able to see that the worry is just a barrier between where I am now and where I really want to be, which means the unknown path is scary because it is unclear. Fear of the unknown is the root of most worry. If we had full faith in our future and trusted the universe to give us what we needed, we wouldn’t spend precious time worrying. Worrying and fear of the unknown, in essence, is just a lack of trust. To help over come this fear grab this free gift, my audio meditation Clear Your Fear of the unknown, from my Clear Your Fear album.




Return to the Now

Everything we have ever experienced in life happened in the present, not the past nor the future. There is only here and now. Every moment of your life you choose to obsess over the past or over analyze the future you are using up your present moments, the “now” is essentially wasted. If you find yourself worrying too much, choose to turn your attention into the present moment and take steps in the direction of what you want rather than worrying about what you don’t want focus fully on what you desire to happen.


Take Action Now

In life, risks are not as scary once you take them. Fear and worry have a funny way of obstructing our dreams. Once we recognize their purpose we can bust through them and love every second of our lives.

Worrying solves nothing! Instead of holding your self-hostage, take action forward. When I first left corporate, I had no idea how I was going to make a living as a writer. It take many years to build a bridge to allow the lifestyle I desired to manifest. But in that time, instead of worrying, I took action. I took freelance jobs, worked part time at companies and did anything I could to bring in money while I built my dream life. Worrying is not helping you instead steps forward. What action can you take right now to get you to where you want to go?

What action step will you take to bust through the worry? Leave your comments below.


6 thoughts on “How to Eliminate All Worry From Your Life

  1. Chichi Reply

    Thanks for the message.
    Just wanted to add that it’s also about accepting that we do not always have the answer and the universe is working for us.

  2. Kathy Reply

    Great article! I just finished ready your book Find Your Happy! It was very inspirational..

  3. Alison Dix Reply

    Thank you and welcome to the mainland! I love your inspiration about TAKE ACTION NOW, so often when I am frustrated it is because I am stuck and can’t decide what action to take. If I try and make a move, whether it is the best one or not, it moves me forward and gets me back on track! Smiles, Alison

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