Food and the Act of Self-Love

The topic of food and weight can sometimes put people on edge. If you have insecurities around your body image, or you have suffered from eating disorders before, obviously  food is not just energy for you.

There is an emotional tie to the way we eat. As a recovering foodholic I practice conscious eating and mindfulness. My diet has changes and my overall outlook on life has transformed. I learned to let go of my food obsession by practicing these simple steps, but it started with letting go of the worry. Instead of obsessing over what I ate and why I began to be thankful for my food and embrace all of its textures.

It started with falling in love with myself. The more respect I have for me, the better my relationship with everything can be.

Learning how to love your body is an important aspect of self-love and releasing food addictions. These steps helped me.

Ask how do you feel not how do you look

Instead of spending all of your time thinking, obsessing, worrying about how you look as yourself how do you feel. If you feel good in your body then everything else will fall into place.

Ban the bad foods

Instead of shaming, obsessing or berating your self for the foods you eat or don’t eat try practicing compassion. Learning to be patient and kind with yourself will help you heal faster.

Stop fighting the scale

On your path to happiness and health it is not necessary to weight yourself every day. Forgot about the number on the scale and recognize that it doesn’t have to define you.

Stop fixating on your flaws

Be in touch with your body but do not focus on the flaws. By pointing your attention to what you don’t like you actually amplify what your don’t like. Instead practice self-love by being kind to the areas you despise. I started to do that by placing my hand on my belly and saying thank you and I love you.

Love your body

People who struggle with their own body image often have a difficult relationship with food. Instead of focusing on the food focus your attention to yourself.

Wellness experts suggest looking for ways to celebrate your uniqueness.

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