Food and the Act of Self-Love

The topic of food and weight can sometimes put people on edge. If you have insecurities around your body image, or you have suffered from eating disorders before, obviously  food is not just energy for you. There is an emotional tie to the way we eat. As a recovering foodholic… READ MORE

How I Found Self-Love

Featured in MindBodyGreen. About a year ago, I felt compelled to do something totally different in my life. I was coming out of what some people might call a “quarter-life” crisis, and I was feeling a little more grounded. After walking away from a secure corporate job, leaving depression, drug addictions… READ MORE

Yoga Saved My Life: 5 Transformational Lessons Learned On The Mat

Featured in Mind Body Green Over the past eight years, my relationship with yoga has changed drastically. At first, I was a lot like a child learning to ride a bicycle. The thought of yoga was exciting, but once I started practicing, it quickly turned frustrating, embarrassing, and even painful. Through… READ MORE

“Find Your Happy” FREE CHAPTER Download Gift For You

FIND YOUR HAPPY is available online and in bookstores. But you don't have to wait to get your copy. Enjoy this FREE chapter as my gift to you. "Dance Like No One is Watching." DOWNLOAD FREE CHAPTER HERE Want more happy? Watch my interview with KATU AM Northwest Morning show, 7… READ MORE

The Happy, Healthy & Hot 7-Day Makeover Plan

Last week I felt frustrated, irritable, angry and tired. I examined my diet and lifestyle, and realized that I had been ordering a lot of takeout, working late hours, I stepped away from my regular workout routine, and I was ignoring my friends and family to tend to my workload.… READ MORE

Simple Rules For Self-Love

Life is kind of like chapters of a book. We get to write our own script. And if we are willing, we can change our fate based on the choices we make today. If you don't like the results or how your life has been going, you have the power… READ MORE