How to Become an Instant Overnight Success Click to Watch Video You’ve heard about them, seen them, you may even follow them - the seemingly BAM overnight success stories. They meet their Prince Charming in a surprising encounter, land their dream job, or lose all the weight for good, forever. They make the rest of us… READ MORE

Food and the Act of Self-Love

The topic of food and weight can sometimes put people on edge. If you have insecurities around your body image, or you have suffered from eating disorders before, obviously  food is not just energy for you. There is an emotional tie to the way we eat. As a recovering foodholic… READ MORE

Learning from the Darkness – Overcoming Painful Addictions

I have gained and lost the same sixty pounds for the past 22 years. I was anorexic, bulimic, a food addict, a compulsive overeater, a sugar addict, and have been sixty pounds overweight, as well as 30 pounds underweight. I've tried every diet ever created by man, including my own… READ MORE

Simple Rules For Self-Love

Life is kind of like chapters of a book. We get to write our own script. And if we are willing, we can change our fate based on the choices we make today. If you don't like the results or how your life has been going, you have the power… READ MORE