A compassionate action to connect to calm

When I was 14 years old, I got my very first personal oracle deck. It was an angel oracle deck that opened up my world to the supportive energies all around us and helped build my own intuition.

You may wonder what the heck is an oracle deck? I get asked this question all the time! Especially since I am the creator of the new Unshakable Inner Peace oracle deck that comes super soon Nov 23. Decks in general are divination tools that can help you connect to your true self, illuminate your path and gain more confidence and clarity.

What Are Oracle Cards and When Should You Use Them?

The word oracle means to an answer or decision, so an oracle deck is a tool to help you get clarity and alignment. It is often inspired by a theme or idea from the creator such as mine that is centered around inner peace and powerful ways to align with your true self.

I designed this deck because I needed new tools to help myself and others overcome anxiety, doubt, and crippling fear. Although we are in turbulent times, interestingly enough, by using this deck daily in my own life, I’ve stayed zen-like the Buddha. How you may ask? Every day I interact with the deck—living its principles for peace and practicing mindfulness. That’s the gift of this deck: to transform fear into faith and lack into love.

A Compassionate Action Practice for Inner Peace 

To help you feel more connected and calm, I offer this practice for grounding, alignment, and inner peace from my deck:

Message: Breathe. This Moment Matters Most.

Compassionate action: Repeat these words:

“Dear Universal support system of love and light, please remove all negative energy, thoughts, and perceptions. I am safe and secure.”

Question to ask:

How can I focus on the moment and celebrate all that is well?

This deck will help you awaken and align with your true power and be the light in times of darkness. Plus, it includes an in-depth 144-page guidebook with clear calls to action (Divine Assignments), compassionate actions, and daily journal prompts.

My greatest wish is that this deck gives you as much peace as it has given me. In times of extreme chaos, we can turn to calm. In times of fear, we can show up with even more faith. In times of lack, we can become the love. It’s time we come together in our love and light and choose to live with Unshakable Inner Peace.

Get your copy here 

With so much love,

Shannon Kaiser

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