Life is a balance of holding on and letting go. We strive to make the right choice, but how do we know when it is truly time to let go and move on? From a spiritual perspective, relationships are divine assignments that can help us learn and grow. Whether it’s with a family member, a relationship with a friend or a romantic partner, not all relationships are meant to last. In fact most have expiration dates. I went on Afternoon Live (Portland’s TV Show) to talk tips on how to release relationships that no longer feel aligned.

When we look at our relationships as spiritual assignments, we can dive deeper into our own journey of life. Sometimes we progress in new directions, away from those who lead us to where we currently are. This is a normal part of life, and the clearer you are about what you want in relationships, the easier it will be for the universe to bring it to you, and to release what is no longer aligned.

In the book A Return to Love, Marianne Williamson says, “Relationships are the Holy Spirit’s laboratories in which He brings together people who have the maximal opportunity for mutual growth.” Which means not all relationships are easy or breezy but designed to trigger us and cause turmoil so we can grow faster.

But some relationships can become toxic, and when they do sometimes it is in our highest good to release a relationship. If you need to release a person from your life, it doesn’t have to create a huge, dramatic fallout. When you walk the path of your true self, you can end things with peace and love.

When releasing a relationship and changing its form ask:

Step 1: Ask, “Will changing this relationship improve my inner peace?”

Step 2: Ask the universe for support to receive the inner strength and courage to change the form of the relationship if need be. And have the strength to change what you cannot accept.

Step 3: Be willing to release the relationship with love. You can repeat the mantra, “I am willing to release this relationship with peace and harmony.”

Does the relationship cause stress, worry and angst? If so, pay close attention to these signals as they may be giving you insight it is time to release the relationship. In her book Soul Love: Awaken Your Heart Centers, Sanaya Roman reminds us that “When releasing a relationship, you don’t need a reason to release it. You don’t have to overthink it; this is an opportunity for you to trust yourself.” Releasing relationships is about boundaries, self love and your path of honoring your own alignment. Keep trusting the process and know that you deserve people around you that support, uplift, understand and love you for you.


Signs that it’s time to let go.

  1. When the situation causes you more pain than joy.
  2. When you expect, hope and plead for the person, place or situation to change.
  3. When you become complacent, bored or resentful.
  4. When the pattern persists even though you tried to fix it.
  5. When you feel alone, unheard or disrespected.
  6. When the situation is holding you back from growing and being who you want to be.
  7. When you stay, hoping and expecting things to get better.
  8. When you feel exhausted emotionally, spirituality and physically around them or when you leave their presence.
  9. When you core beliefs and values have changed and you sacrifice who you are being around them.
  10. When you force a smile to mask the pain.
  11. When the thought of being free of the situation feels expansive.
  12. When you believe in a better life for yourself.

This list serves as a compassionate guide to help you make the right choice for you. If you found yourself saying yes to the majority of these questions, it may be time for you to let go and take a step forward. Trust your future and know you will be guided to happiness.

I’d love to hear in the comments what relationship you are ready to release and what step you will try out.





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