This Weeks Oracle Message: Oneness Is the Way

I pulled a card from my new Unshakable Inner Peace Oracle Card deck to guide us through the week. Here is the message. “Oneness Is the Way” Are you harboring negative emotions because of other people? Look at the people you are resisting and judging: any troubled relationship is a… READ MORE

This week is all about reclaiming your power

We live in a time of great chaos and one way I stay calm through all of it is with daily practice. My practice includes mediation, mindfulness, and oracle cards. As we approach the end of the year, the energy can be frantic so to help us ease into the… READ MORE

A compassionate action to connect to calm

When I was 14 years old, I got my very first personal oracle deck. It was an angel oracle deck that opened up my world to the supportive energies all around us and helped build my own intuition. You may wonder what the heck is an oracle deck? I get… READ MORE

Unshakable Inner Peace Oracle Card Pre-Order Gifts are Here

[embed][/embed] Our current world is in chaos, with anxiety levels at an all-time high. Fear has set in on a collective, global level. Now more than ever we need tools to cultivate grounding and strength. To address this need comes my new Unshakable Inner Peace Oracle Cards, an interactive deck I… READ MORE