8 Questions We Should All Ask Ourselves Before The New Year

As we approach the end of the year, it is a good time to go inward. This time of year, for many is hectic and chaotic, but it is also one of the best times to reflect and re-evaluate. I always take the final month of the year to re-evaluate, refocus and realign my self and life.

In the spirit of making 2020 your best year yet, ask yourself these power questions:

1. Do I worry too much about what other people think?

So many of us live for others. We actually put other people’s ideas, perceptions, and judgments in front of our own. But playing small serves no one. When we worry about what other people think, we relinquish control of our own future. Ask yourself how much time you spend thinking about others’ reactions to something you haven’t even done yet. Then, instead of obsessing about what might happen, pay attention to what is happening right now. If you are stuck in worry, you could be missing it. Make a promise to yourself, to stop caring about what others think of you, because it doesn’t really matter. What matters is what you think about yourself, so practice more self-love and compassion.

2. Am I living where I want to live?

This is a question most of us don’t always ask because we get so busy paying the bills and mortgages, just trying to stay afloat, but studies show that our environment plays a large role in our personal happiness. As we enter the new year, think about locations as an extension of your happiness and consider places you’ve thought about going to or living in. Are you happy with where you are living, if not, take steps to make the change.

3. Am I who I want to be?

Most of the time we are so busy just trying to catch up that we don’t give ourselves permission to actually sit down and examine our life and the choices we’ve made leading up to this moment. Think about your big picture and who you want to be in this world. Are you taking steps each day to create this vision, or are you stuck in a routine? 2020 promises to be a year of abundant success if we go forward courageously and choose to embrace the next phases of our life.

4. What am I avoiding or afraid to look at?

Most of us have areas of our life we don’t really think about, things we sweep under the rug. But ignoring certain aspects of ourselves can cause us to overeat, overspend, and overwork, you name it. This vicious cycle causes us to stay stuck in guilt, shame, and fear. Ask yourself, “What part of my life have I been ignoring?” Go deep into the situation you’ve been afraid to address and allow yourself to feel the pain and recognize there is purpose to it.

5. Have I released the anger in my heart?

We sometimes hold on to anger because it is the only thing we have left of the person. I spent almost two years angry at one of my exes until I recognized that the rage was the only thing that kept him in my life. It wasn’t until I turned to forgiveness and released the energetic hold that I was able to feel more free. The same goes with family and friends—are you holding on to anger because it makes you feel justified and right? Sometimes the healthiest thing you can do is let go of the situation by forgiving the other person. When we are willing to forgive others, we aren’t saying what they did is OK. We are saying that we value ourselves too much to waste any more time on this situation.

6. Am I prioritizing my health?

Staying healthy and practicing self-love is paramount to a successful life. Self-love is simply an appreciation for and acceptance of who you are, as you are. It is embracing who you are in each moment. When you practice self-love, you feel more balanced, you live with more joy, and you feel a natural peace within you. Start the year by asking yourself how you can cultivate more self-compassion and practice self-love.

7. How do I want to be remembered?

How do you want to be remembered? Being you requires courage, but the freedom that comes from it will be worth it. The more you show up as your authentic self, the more your life will flow. Trust that who you really are is who the world needs.

8. What’s something I’ve always wanted to do but haven’t given myself permission to?

In my new book Joy Seeker, I share how by asking this question to myself, it changed everything for the better. This question, when answered honestly, can radically change your life for the better. What is something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t yet? The inner critic, the fear part of us, always tries to sabotage us. It says that now isn’t the right time, or you don’t have enough money or clarity. These are just excuses for keeping us small. When it comes to your dreams, recognize they are signatures to your potential. The more you trust them and take steps to live them, the happier and more fulfilled you will be. And the happier you are, the happier those around you will be too.

I’d love to hear in the comments, what’s something you’ve always wanted to do?

Photo by Andrew Ly on Unsplash

Take This Lesson Deeper By Getting My Book, Joy Seeker!

In Joy Seeker I share the step-by-step process for letting go of what’s holding you back so you can live the life you were made for.

This book is a path to discovering our true self—the hero within. The relentless pressure to succeed, measure up, and reach for ever higher goals can leave us feeling like we’re just not good enough—or that something’s missing. At the end of the day, after giving it our all, the last thing we want to feel is hopeless, anxious, and disconnected. Joy Seeker helps you reclaim your power and step into a meaningful, purpose driven joyful life. Get your copy here.

2 thoughts on “8 Questions We Should All Ask Ourselves Before The New Year

  1. Jerri Reply

    This is such good advice shannon. I really needed to hear this today. I’ve really been wanting to let go of fear for money. I always worry about it and I just want to trust what God has planned for my life. I wanna love the journey and the learning process. I also really wanna travel one day. Much love!

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