6 Easy Ways to Befriend Your Body

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When it comes to the challenges I’ve lived through, overcoming clinical depression, eating disorders, drug addiction and leaving corporate burnout, all of those, although difficult, were relatively easy in comparison with the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do: accept myself. I mean really love myself.

Learning how to love my body and myself has been the greatest challenge of my life, but the most important and valuable.

For decades, I used my body as a personal punching bag. Abusing it with my thoughts. When things weren’t going well or I didn’t get the job or the boyfriend or whatever goal I was reaching for didn’t happen, it was always because of my weight. My body was to blame.

Until I got to a place of realizing I could go through life at war with myself or I could become friends with me, all of me. Which meant accepting my body as it was in every moment.

I saw my body, the one I have now – with its aches and pain, stretch-marks and curves – is exactly what I need to be alive, fully human and awake in life. This idea shifted everything. Life is too short to be at war with ourselves. My body is a tool to help me live my life fully.

Today, I can proudly share I am healthier and happier than I have ever been because my body is now my best friend.

If you struggle with accepting yourself, let your body be your guide. The shift for me was when I looked at my body for guidance instead of blaming it.

Here are gentle reminders that helped me accept myself fully.

1. Recognize that you are in the body you are supposed to have.

2. Your body is a tool for living life fully. Start to celebrate it as a friend.

3. When you listen to your body, it will tell you what you need.

4. The number on the scale doesn’t define you.

5. People remember you for how you make them feel, not how you look.

6. When we get the inside right, the outside will fall into place.


For the next 7 days turn your inner mean voice into a loving, gentle, more compassionate one.

I’d love to hear what has worked for you? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.



3 thoughts on “6 Easy Ways to Befriend Your Body

  1. Brittany Reply

    I really loved this! I feel as if almost every woman struggles with completely loving and accepting their bodies, unless they have worked on it like you. I’m going to start talking to my legs! I need to whisper good things to them. They deserve it. Thanks so much for the wonderful advice!

  2. Deb Reply

    yes, as always, great advice. Why are we so mean to ourselves? We don’t deserve it. Life is way to short. It’s time to befriend ourselves, our whole selves and live.

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