Dear Body, There’s Something You Need to Know…

Dear Body, I can’t believe I’ve never said this before. My dear body, it's long overdue, but you need to hear this from me. You need to know that you are magnificent. You need to know that I love you. You are incredibly beautiful. All of you—every expanded stretch of… READ MORE

6 Easy Ways to Befriend Your Body If you like this video please share the loving message. Click to Tweet. When it comes to the challenges I’ve lived through, overcoming clinical depression, eating disorders, drug addiction and leaving corporate burnout, all of those, although difficult, were relatively easy in comparison with the hardest thing I’ve ever had… READ MORE

How to Turn Off Self-Shame & Guilt Click above to watch video.  Do you have a situation insecurity, health issue or addiction that is ruining your life? If only you could just get rid of the extra weight, the addiction or be free of the disease, than your life would be great. You think when you… READ MORE

How to Stop Blaming Yourself for Everything Share this video, click to tweet.  There are two types of people in the world, according to my friend and founder of the Fearless Living Institute Rhonda Britten. Those who blame others for their problems, and those who blame themselves. When I was suffering from depression, I spent a lot… READ MORE