How to Quit Bad Romance

Being alone, can get lonely. After all, society seems to look at singles in a different light. If you choose to be alone for too long, you may be labeled, as if there’s “something wrong with you.” Lately I have found my mind creeping into this territory. After awhile, if you aren’t dating someone you may fall victim to society’s opinions and think that something actually is wrong with you. This was my situation until I recognized that my loneliness could be my greatest teacher.

Seven months ago I was in a much different place then I am today. Although I am alone, today I feel more love than I ever have in any romantic relationship. I am in the best relationship of my life…with myself. My last serious relationship was just a repeat of every other romantic relationship I have been in. Filled with drama, toxic energy and defensive behaviors. It wasn’t until my last boyfriend that I stood up and took responsibility for my patterns and quit bad romance cold turkey. I recognized that true love could never be there until I fully loved myself.

The past 6 months have been a magical roller coaster, ranging from complete freedom to desperate loneliness. Throughout this time I have made it my full time job to understand who I really am, what I need, and what I value.

In the past I always put others first. I would sacrifice myself in an effort to make the world happy. This didn’t work. If I am committed to creating a healthy, loving and expansive romantic relationship, I must first show up and treat myself with the same kindness I desire. In my quest to find answers I began to study other couples. People who are together and madly in love. What is their secret? What do they have that I don’t? After interviewing, researching and studying love, as well as lack of love, I have recognized the 4 golden truths to a lasting relationship.

Here are 4 things healthy couples do:

They are 100% committed to being together

People who are happy and in a long-lasting relationship are committed to one another. Without a shadow of a doubt they have said yes to their life partner. Which means that, through thick and thin, they lean into one another versus second-guessing or looking outside of their relationship.

They don’t spend time in dead end relationships

The difference between soul mate love and relationships that feel strained is that people on a mission to find their soul mate don’t waste time in anything that doesn’t feel right. Dead-end relationships can come in all shape and sizes; from waiting for your significant other to get over alcohol or drugs, to dating a married person, to a relationship with a person who still dates others, a secret relationship with a boss or teacher, or even a relationship with a person who disrespects you or makes you feel uncomfortable for being you. Trust your own internal guidance system. If it isn’t working or feels forced, it is not supposed to work. It is okay to let go!

They love themselves first and put me before we

I once dated a man who was more interested in looking at himself and complimenting himself than being with me. Let’s put ego aside for a moment because I am not talking about that kind of conceited self-love, the kind that often stems from deep rooted insecurities. I am talking about an authentic expression of self. Being true to you, your mind, body and soul. Couples that stay together always play together, but come from a place of self-love and respect first and foremost. They do what they love and have healthy goals and hobbies. They don’t make one another feel guilty for pursuing self-interests. Instead they lift each other up and support one another fully.

They show and accept there shadow sides

Every person has habits, insecurities and shadow sides. In relationships we sometimes hide our true self in an effort to please the other person. This results in breakups, drama and divorce. The reality is the healthiest couples show their true self, including their dark fears, insecurities and allow themselves and each other to be vulnerable. And instead of running they embrace one another and allow each person to be uniquely them, no judgment, only love.

Lessons in love are a lifetime journey, but I know this for sure; When looking for true love, don’t ever put commitment before compatibility. Recognizing that this was my pattern, I realize my desire to be in a relationship out weighed the partners I picked. Learn from my mistakes and don’t settle because you want a relationship, and never stay with the wrong person for the wrong reasons.


4 thoughts on “How to Quit Bad Romance

  1. Kim Reply

    Yes yes yes! I have recently broken the patterns of poor choices and bad relationships and have also spent more of my life single than in relationships. About a year ago, it was like a fog was lifted and I finally got all of this. Then I was tested, as we often are, to see if I could put what I had learned into practice. I entered a relationship and indeed I was seeing things for what they actually were. I wanted him to love him and not only me. I wanted to feel that crazy connection that I know I am capable of with a man, and I wasn’t feeling it. I didn’t stay and it was so freeing, I didn’t realize how much I was out of alignment until we separated and I got my space back. I am grateful for this clarity and now trust myself to know when I should commit.

    Thanks for listening 🙂
    I love your site and style

    • admin Reply

      Kimmy, I am so happy to hear your story, thank you for sharing your message. This is wonderful. Keep me posted on your journey. I agree it is great when you trust yourself.Xo shannon

  2. Aria Reply

    Shannon I have read 3 of your articles and it almost seems as if you are speaking directly to me. I have allowed myself to feel unworthy and unloved by an ex that was not even really a boyfriend to begin with. I just imagined that we were. And for the past two years have engaged in a toxic on-off tug of war with him. You have shown a light into the darkest corners of this situation for me. I now know what I have NOT been doing to heal myself from this toxic situation. And here I thought I had well and truly learned my lesson. Thank you!!!!!!!!!

    • admin Reply

      Thank you for sharing your story. How amazing our stories are so connected. I am happy to help and I appreciate you sharing your journey with me as well. Here is to 2013 being our best year yet. Thank you for your support and dedication to living a fabulous life.

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