Why You’re Not Getting What You Want and How to Fix That

Have you been working really hard to try to make something happen but you aren’t seeing as much progress as you’d like?

Are you frustrated by a lack of results and feel defeated?

Do you feel underwhelmed by the process of trying to reach your goals and wonder what is the point?

When we work really hard to get what we want, we often become frustrated when we don’t see results, which can often deflate our motivation.

If you have a desire that isn’t coming true, it could be because of many reasons, most which you have control over. Instead of trying so hard, consider a more gentle and compassionate way to reaching your goal. Stop trying so hard and instead check in with yourself and see if any of these are happening:

1. You are focusing on the lack

If there is a goal that is really important to you, you may feel consumed with the desire. In this hope of achieving, we often focus on what is not yet here. We spend more time focusing on what is not working—even though we think we want it, we fall into thinking how it is not here. The lack keeps us in an energetic imbalance, holding our desire just outside of arm’s length.

The best thing to do is to focus on what you want with clarity and love.

2. Because it is not time yet

Let’s get real: your desire has a timing to it, a manifestation moment that is perfect for its full outcome. If you really want something, instead of worrying about when it will happen, turn your attention to knowing that when it happens it will be the best time possible for you and your higher self. Everything that happens to you is for your highest good; that means if a desire is not yet achieved, it is because you are still learning, growing, and becoming the person to receive that fully.

There is a universal timing to everything. Your job is to hold steady and focus on what you want. The right timing is everything for you and your goals. Your goal is on its way to you—believe in the power of that dream.

3. You aren’t giving yourself what you want.

There is a law of attraction at play when it comes to your dreams.

A lot of the time we want a goal or dream to come true to fit something in our life that feels like a miss. Most of the time we aren’t giving ourselves what we really want. Maybe you want to find romantic love, but you aren’t loving yourself. Do you want more money, but you aren’t grateful for the abundance you do have? Give yourself what you want now, and your goals will come to you much faster.

I’d love to hear from you, What is a goal you are working on?

8 thoughts on “Why You’re Not Getting What You Want and How to Fix That

  1. Sam Reply

    I am desperately trying to another job after my employer fired me for being ill with depression. If I don’t get a job, I lose my home. If the universe has some ‘plan’ for me I’d appreciate it helping me to help myself pretty soon!

  2. Kerrin Grant Reply

    I have to say, you seem like a kindred spirit to me. I’m sure a lot of your readers say or at least think that, but since I’m not a real “people-person” that concept isn’t common for me. When reading your book “Adventures for the Soul”, I am amazed at how closely your life observations and quest for self-understanding matches my journey of discovery. It’s been very helpful to read words that elicit the response from me, “Yes, that’s exactly how I feel!”. Thank you for your words of wisdom and encouragement.
    What I’m working on now that doesn’t seem to be going anywhere relates to my career. I’m in a field that has opportunities which are few and far between and the job I have is not one that nourishes me, so I’m struggling with staying focused on moving forward when my current lifestyle/job is bringing me down. I would like to explore some situations but they require moving long distances and may be volunteer-based which may or may not lead to paid employment. The fear involves determining if I’m being fool-hearty and delusional thinking I could get a paid job if I start as a volunteer (basically, listen to my rational head) or listen to my heart and have faith things will work out. So here I sit, listening to my head, feeling miserable
    🙁 Add to that, I’m in my later years, so there are additional obstacles that add to the fear of jumping into the unknown.

  3. Sue Reply

    Hi Shannon,
    For the past 6 months, I’ve been job hunting. Long story short, I left my last job due to a problem that I had with my new manager and my quality of life was not in a good state. I am in my upper 50’s so that is a challenge. I have a quote that I read daily that says, “there’s no need to rush. What’s meant for you always arrives on time”.. but some days… grrrr.. !!! lol,, I haven’t given up but there are moments of total discouragement. I’ve had some interviews, etc but there are so many people looking for jobs…

    Thanks for your videos..
    Have a great weekend..

  4. Kineta Reply

    Just have to say thank you Shannon. I have been following your website for quite some time and am currently reading Adventure for your soul. Your inspiration and videos that you have shared have been amazing! I have been following your advise for the last few years and have finally worked out that I want to go back to school and study but with all the money factor to pay for school along with living costs, giving up my job and stepping out of my comfort zone I am finding it all overwhelming. This article has come at the perfect timing to remind myself that it will all happen at the right time and I just need to allow it all to unfold naturally and wait for the universe to say YES!!. Thank you Shannon you really are a inspiration and your words help so much. xx

  5. Hermie Lagman Reply

    Iif you can help me to get rid of my medications, I will think about getting you as my lifetime coach. Thank You.

  6. Harvey Meale Reply

    Hi Shannon,

    I was wondering what your opinion on abstaining from desire is? We all have these hopes and dreams and some of us spend every waking minute pursuing them.

    Do you think some people can benefit from giving up? Can we be truly happy without desire?


  7. Sarah Reply

    For me, I lack the clarity of what I want. I want a healthy intimate relationship but doubt that I even know what that looks like because of all the crazy bad relationships I have had so far. I don’t exactly know where my passion is in a career. I have been a professional student forever and think I have found a company that I really love the goal that the company stands for and I for the most part enjoy the job. I know there are people out there who think I wasted my education and settled for less than I could be, but I am feeling happy for where I am right now. i have to relax and live for me and not worry about what others think

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