A Breakthrough Technique to Get Unstuck and Propel Your Life Forward

Over the past few months, I have been working really hard and quietly behind the scenes to bring some amazing passion projects out into the world. My heart and soul are poured in my next book, The Self-Love Experiment, available August 29, but as I dive deeper into bringing this joy into the world, more blocks and limiting beliefs come up.

This happens a lot in our life. When we go after what we want or we reach out to live our passion our fear will often step in to try to sabotage us.  You can be sure that everything you need to address—limiting beliefs, insecurities, and fears around going after what you want and being your best self—will surface and pop up so you can look at them. But this can be healing if you dive deep and do the work.

Today we are talking about the W-O-R-K! The stuff we need to do to get to the next level of our life. Our soul’s growth and purpose is at stake here. This is the work. So what is “the Work?” This looks like working really hard to make something happen but feeling let down or frustrated because things aren’t going the way you hoped. This looks like trying to figure it out while you are still in the lesson. This looks like life.

I’ve been trying to plan my book tour and it’s one closed door after another, rejection after rejection. Bookstores and event locations respond that this topic doesn’t do well in their city. I was feeling unsupported, overwhelmed, and frustrated. So I leaned on some of the principles that I share in my books and decided to take an entire weekend off and go play.  It was time to stop worrying, obsessing, and overthinking the situation and just take some self-care time to be present in nature with loved ones.

Sometimes things aren’t flowing because it’s not time yet. We have to trust the process. 

While walking along the beach my inner voice said, “Ask for help.

I admit I have a difficult time reaching out and asking for help. But this message was so loud and clear that I realized one of the reasons I am being held back is because I am trying to do it all alone. So I surrendered and let go of trying so hard to make things happen. And that night, when I got back from the beach, one of my best friends sent me a list of locations in her city with contact info. And Monday morning I received a message from another soul sister, who offered to help me plan. When I got on the phone with her that day to talk about ideas, she said, “Part of loving yourself is letting others help you.”

You, too, have tremendous support around you. You just need to ask for help.

All I had to do was stop trying so hard and surrender to the support all around me. Think about your own life and where are you trying to control or force an outcome. Ask yourself, “What do I expect to happen?” Chances are, your reality is not the same as what you are expecting. And these expectations are what I talk about in today’s super-inspiring video, filmed in Bangkok, Thailand.

If you feel overwhelmed by a situation and frustrated because things aren’t going the way you want, watch this now.


Try this breakthrough technique to get unstuck and propel your life forward.


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