3 Super Simple Steps to Calm Your Anxiety Right Now

When was the last time you felt anxious?

There’s the type of anxiety that comes from day-to-day activities, such as giving a presentation in front of people or going in for a job interview. But I am talking about the chronic worry that doesn’t leave you when you wake up in the morning. Every day feels like a huge feat to just make it through. Obsessive destructive thoughts may even take over. Today I want to talk about the full-blown take over the mind with obsessive worry and constant fear type of anxiety. The kind that keep you in bed for hours on end, or prevent you from going outside to do the things you love.

Anxiety is a disease of the mind. It cripples your actions and shadows your intentions. Everything is covered in a cloud of worry and fear. One by one we can choose to fight off the negativity, but every time you attack one thought with positive affirmations, yoga, meditations, or good vibes, more concerns seem to show up. It always multiplies. Crying aggressively, suddenly and without much notice is a side effect of this disease.

It sounds intense, but anxiety can be cured. I know because I experienced it firsthand. When I suffered from anxiety, I carried a constant pressure on my chest. It was hard to breathe, and I would break out into cold sweats and often burst into tears randomly throughout the day. It felt impossible to get through and most days I had to remind myself just to breathe.

For anyone who suffers from chronic anxiety, you aren’t alone. There are certain steps you can take to feel more grounded in the moment. For starters, focus on the little things that bring you joy. Petting your dog, playing with your kids, or going for a nature walk can help. The more play I added into my life, the more joyful I felt, and anxiety and fear cannot exist where there is joy.

In today’s video I share three super simple ways to calm your anxiety right now.

Watch here.

After you watch the video, I’d love to hear how you combat anxiety.


If you enjoyed today’s topic and want to go deeper, two resources can help.

Check out my new book Adventures for your Soul for tips on how to combat anxiety and fear.

If you want to work together and go even deeper check out my Nov Group Coaching Program here. 

4 thoughts on “3 Super Simple Steps to Calm Your Anxiety Right Now

  1. Crystal Pierce Reply

    Thanks for the great video on combating anxiety. I have been dealing with it a few months since I had a spiritual awakening. At first it scared me but I embraced it let it pass and just sat still. I write list or express what I want to let go of through writing or meditation and this has helped. I stopped planning and just playing.shannon I thank you for the daily post your book find your happy was very helpful. I think what’s really helpful is knowing someone feels your struggle and can relate. I also am convinced small steps will bring peace, and change. I really enjoy mind body green online daily with great articles that reflect on real life situations. Great video keep inspiring,you are a healer, motivator and friend from a distance.. Thank you.. Enjoy your journey

  2. Bill T Reply

    When you are depressed you are living in the past….when you are anxious you are living in the future….Learn to live in the NOW!!

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