What is an Ego Death — And How to Know When It Happens

Over the past couple of years, I’ve witnessed a pattern with many of my life coaching and business mentorship clients and have also seen it in my own life. People come to me expressing frustration and worry over things that no longer feel the same. Things that used to bring them joy, (such as business focus, relationships, jobs, even where they live etc.) are no longer resonating. Beliefs changing, patterns becoming more obvious, and most importantly the realization of the ego, and its power over them and how who they thought they were is not who they really are.

My coach and mentor programs are designed to bring people into ultimate alignment with their true selves, so this process is actually more common than we think. I went through it too. I used to be a full-time world traveler then covid hit the world, and I had to really look at the labels I put on myself and who I thought I was based on external factors, I needed to shatter those illusions in order to go deeper and reach true happiness. We are not the things we do or the labels we put on ourselves. When we go on a personal growth path we often awaken to the aspects of us that aren’t really aligned and are holding us back from lasting wellbeing.

The ego is our sense of self that you develop at a young age, it relates to your feelings about your own importance and abilities. When we start to recognize all the things we thought about ourselves and how we defined ourselves, the job title, the successes, the relationship status, etc. just simply are not who we really are, it can be unnerving at first. It may feel like a breakdown, but it is actually a breakthrough. Ego death is the official term for this transformational awakening.

Have you heard of the term ego death? It happens for many of us when we commit to a life of truth, meaning and purpose.

The beliefs about yourself, the self-sabotaging patterns, and all the layers that were created to protect you are from the ego. But your true self, the beautiful, gorgeous light that you truly are knows there is a more expansive and easier way to live by disconnecting from the ego’s labels and power over you.

As Marianne Willamson says, “The ego is always looking to find something – the spirit can see what’s already there.” And Eckhart Tolle writes in A New Earth, “The greatest miracle is the experiencing of your essential self as prior to any words, thoughts, mental labels, and images. For this to happen, you need to disentangle your sense of ‘I,’ of Beingness, from all the things it has become mixed up with.”

Experiencing ego death is life-changing, intense, and sometimes terrifying, but it can also lead you to your soul’s true self and allow you to live a life in harmony with your deepest truth. What emerges is the most authentic, peaceful, happy version of you.

So whether you’re in the throes of your own ego death right now, or are just feeling a bit off, as I tell my clients, “There is no need to worry—the real you is emerging.”

To understand ego death, I shared my experience and tips with MindBodyGreen. You’ll learn what an ego-death really means, how it happens, and how to achieve it here.

I’m curious, have you gone through or do you feel like you are going through an ego death? Share your experience in the comments.


Image by Sergey Filimonov / Stocksy

2 thoughts on “What is an Ego Death — And How to Know When It Happens

  1. Matteo Reply

    You are such an amazing person and I hope you are able to read this,I send nothing but love and positive energy your way,you truly deserve it

  2. lost Reply

    mine has come twice at 20 , and last one 7 weeks ago age 50, when mt twin flame suddenly died after 20 years of deep growing love that only got stronger. In the space of 6 months, i lost my mother, then my 19 year old doggie, My twin flame , my dream home, my current home that i have to move out of and stand with the label homelessness until i am given stable accommodation, my business, my life completely shattered overnight around me. I lost ME, I lost my soul as it was ripped out by some force as he died , literally the moment he died. A black abyss suddenly appeared and stood in front of me where i stood over the edge, replacing yesterdays joy, love, complete happiness and looking forward to the rest of our lives together, 20 years it never dimmed we were truly blessed, we earned our right of passage through early struggles, poverty, ill health, etc etc and love always won!. I lost my whole way of life, i lost dreams, hopes, home, everything. So yes maybe this was some sort of ego death because i stand now with nothing and i don’t just mean physically or materially just nothing other than a faith and strong spiritual connection with him and a mobile home that our heart lived in and i will eventually choose to live in. No bricks and mortar or lovely business ( holistic therapies) can replace this feeling of loss and emptiness, just a spiritual feeling left as my soul slowly returns ( with him).

    Thank you for giving a platform to express my ego death if that is what it was, but linked with twin flame separation.

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