Learning from the Darkness – Overcoming Painful Addictions

I have gained and lost the same sixty pounds for the past 22 years. I was anorexic, bulimic, a food addict, a compulsive overeater, a sugar addict, and have been sixty pounds overweight, as well as 30 pounds underweight. I've tried every diet ever created by man, including my own… READ MORE

Are You Dating an Emotionally Unavailable Person

I've spent most of this past year emotionally invested in a person, thinking it would lead to real, lasting romance.  True to my nature, I gnored every red flag, often reading into texts more then I should have. I played up situations in my mind, assuming the other person was on… READ MORE

How to Stay True To Yourself Through The Holidays

The holidays are a time of family, fun, laughter and joy, often followed by anxiety, stress, weight gain, and even depression. Sometimes seeing old friends and family can trigger feelings of insecurity or open up old wounds. Preparing for the holidays and shopping for presents may also force you to face… READ MORE

Simple Steps to Be Your Best Self

-Featured in MindBodyGreen.com   I recently ventured into the heart of Brazil to visit a spiritual healer in Abadiania Goias. I spent two weeks doing nothing but sleeping, eating, and meditating. For me, this time away from my overworked, fast-paced lifestyle saved my life. I now have a new sense of… READ MORE

How to Have the Best Day of Your Life

As I pack my suitcase for Brazil, I recall my teacher and dear friend Gabrielle Bernstein, telling me about her trip to see the spiritual healer Mr. Miracle Man, Jon of God. She explained that a shriveled old man welcomed guests into the healing center, by standing outside and exclaiming,… READ MORE

The Journey is The Reward – Turning Pain into Love

“Life isn’t about the final destination or the accomplishments and accolades; it’s about the journey and the opportunities for learning—and how we grow as a result." - Michael Eisen Trauma can come in many different forms, and the severity of it depends on many factors. One thing is true of… READ MORE

The Happy, Healthy & Hot 7-Day Makeover Plan

Last week I felt frustrated, irritable, angry and tired. I examined my diet and lifestyle, and realized that I had been ordering a lot of takeout, working late hours, I stepped away from my regular workout routine, and I was ignoring my friends and family to tend to my workload.… READ MORE

When is Honesty the Best Policy?

We have heard the saying, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say it all," or how about, "Sticks and stones can break my bones but names will never hurt me!" These adages ring true across many cultures and instill into our brains at a very young age.  What they… READ MORE

Simple Rules For Self-Love

Life is kind of like chapters of a book. We get to write our own script. And if we are willing, we can change our fate based on the choices we make today. If you don't like the results or how your life has been going, you have the power… READ MORE