Sick of Trying so Hard to Make Things Work? Try These Tips . . .

I spoke to a friend the other day who shared that she was getting ready to launch her own radio show. This was a dream tucked in her heart for many years. I was super excited for her, but the day before her first live show, she said she had apprehension. She felt fear mostly because she’s tried so many things before and nothing has turned out the way she wished. She didn’t want to be let down again. She wasn’t sure she had it in her to “fail” again.

I heard everything she said and could totally relate. Maybe you can too.

Are you sick of trying so hard to make things work? Do you feel exhausted from trying to make things happen?

If you feel like you’re not where you’re supposed to be, off track or simply exhausted from trying so hard to make things work, you are not alone. So many of us are feeling this way right now. There has been a static energy on the planet keeping us in what feels like a standstill and, for some, quick sand.

The energy is dense, but our inner strength is strong.

Having courage, resiliency and strength to move forward in the face of the unknown can be hard, but it is the path of the brave warrior, the true you that wants to make the most out of your time on earth.

So if you’ve been burned by past situations not panning out, and you are losing hope in yourself and your dreams, these tips can help.

1. THEN Is Not NOW

Recognize that then, your past, is not in the present. Your younger self was in a different position than you are today. Whether it was yesterday, last week or two decades ago, we are always changing and growing. Creating a life we feel connected to starts by being rooted in the here and now—right here is all we have. And from this place, right here, you can make choices that feel good and aligned with who you are right now. The then is also the future. We often look to our future and want to be farther along than we actually are. When we future trip, we block ourselves from connecting to the present moment. Be here and now—it’s all we truly have.

2. The Journey Is the Destination

The famous Chinese proverb says the “journey is the reward,” but most of us are conditioned to go after the big moments. We chase happiness, but it is always just outside our reach. Or when we do achieve these peak experiences, it’s not what we thought. The raise, the goal weight, the relationship or job status—these are all things that cannot provide our true worth yet we seek them for validation. Many of us think that happiness, like success, comes from getting what we want. But evidence from positive psychology suggests that happiness is something else, something so much more. It is about the inner journey we take to become who we really are. Happiness is inside of us, not in the goal or destination.

3. Joy Is the Best Barometer for Success

When we go for things we want, we often have expectations and extreme demands placed on them. We want to know it will work out and how it will unfold. But true happiness is in the moments that bring us the most joy. Joy is the highest form of happiness and success. So redefine success and focus on your joy. If it brings you joy, it is worth pursuing. No matter what the outcome, the joy is yours. No one can take that away from you. So always follow your joy route and be a joy seeker.

Take This Lesson Deeper By Getting My Book, Joy Seeker!

In Joy Seeker I share the step-by-step process for letting go of what’s holding you back so you can live the life you were made for.

This book is a path to discovering our true self—the hero within. The relentless pressure to succeed, measure up, and reach for ever higher goals can leave us feeling like we’re just not good enough—or that something’s missing. At the end of the day, after giving it our all, the last thing we want to feel is hopeless, anxious, and disconnected. Joy Seeker helps you reclaim your power and step into a meaningful, purpose driven joyful life. Get your copy here.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

One thought on “Sick of Trying so Hard to Make Things Work? Try These Tips . . .

  1. Frederick Espiritu Reply

    Amen! Thank you for these reminders, Shannon. Joy is the barometer. When we follow our joy, happiness becomes the path. When happiness is the path, success is in the journey, not the destination. Oooh!

    Seek Joy!

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