How to Find Peace of Mind in the Current Political Climate

Now, more than ever, we are in a time of change –  environmentally, culturally, spiritually, even physically, the world is in flux. What we say and do matters and can make a real impact. I am not one to discuss politics – ever. But I feel it necessary with today’s political landscape to share a few thoughts.

Maybe you have been smack dab in the middle of it, a political debate where your friend, colleague, or partner has a different opinion than yours.

This recently happened to me; the person I was speaking with was so passionate about his opinion on the political candidate that he started to belittle, condescend, and ridicule everyone who supported the candidate he did not.

I found myself feeling a stir of emotions. Some people enjoy political discussions, but I on the other hand shy away from any unnecessary arguments.

With the political, social and economic landscape the way it is, it is hard not to get sucked in to false realities and feel overwhelmed.

I used to be the type of person who kept my own opinions to myself, about politics, religion, war…all the heavy-duty topics. I somehow thought that by maintaining a status quo approach to conversations I would fit in and be liked.

Each time this happened I would get physically ill. I would feel sick to my stomach or nauseous. When it came to personal and romantic relationships, I found it harder to hide myself. I started to speak up and share my truths. As this happened, some of my relationships gradually disappeared.  I realized what I was doing was making room for more authentic partnerships, relationships and friendships.

When I would get ill when I kept my mouth shut, it was because I was not speaking my truth. I was looking for approval from others to feel validated and good about myself at the sacrifice of myself. It wasn’t until I looked inward that I found my need for acceptance disappear.

As I became more comfortable in my own skin, I no longer needed to prove anything to anyone.

When we look outside of ourselves to feel safe, comfortable, and happy we will never get what we desire. Everything we need is inside of us. I have since taken a new approach to political conversations. For me it is about celebrating our differences and appreciating others for their passionate opinions.

If you are struggling with the political climate and looking for more peace of mind these tips can help.

Celebrate Your Differences

If someone has a different opinion than you it doesn’t make them, or you, wrong or right. Celebrate your differences and appreciate them for being passionate about something. If we were all the same, the world would be boring.

Trust Yourself

You don’t have to stand up and be an advocate to make your voice heard. Sometimes just knowing in your own heart how you feel is enough. Part of being true to yourself is trusting your own opinion and knowing that you do make a difference. Vote for yourself and stand tall with integrity.

Don’t Take Anything Personally

What people say and believe is a reflection of them, not you. Learn to let go of expectations and be comfortable in your own skin.

We Are Not Our Opinions

It is important to accept others for who they are, not what they believe in. When people share their view or opinion, it is just that, an opinion, it does not make them who they are. At the end of the day, every person on this planet wants the same thing, to give love and to be loved.

Our Differences Help Us Grow

When we step back, and see that we are not our opinion and that our viewpoints often change, we can relax into knowing that we are all connected in a much bigger way. We are all one and our differences provide a good contrast for growing and learning more about others and ourselves.

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