Do This Right Now to Help Heal Yourself and the World

Since I was a little girl, I always looked out into the world and felt as if something was off. Why is there so much hate, anger, pain and trauma? Maybe you relate. Have you ever thought, “There has to be a better way. What about love, compassion, kindness and joy?” As Marianne Williamson says, “Love is what we are born with, fear is what we learn here.” It is our mission to express our true self, which is the love you are born with, free from fear.

If you have been paying attention to the world, things seem pretty grim. Hate, fear, manipulation, trauma, anger, separation—it seems to never end. But the truth is far from what we see projected on TV and spread across our culture.

In today’s new podcast episode, I share the #1 thing we can do to help heal ourselves and heal the world.

We are at a tipping point. What is happening outside of ourselves is a reflection of what is happening on the inside of us. We can help each other and the planet by first helping ourselves. When I was writing my book The Self-Love Experiment, I learned firsthand the power of self-compassion and how it can not only help me but help to heal the world.

“Suddenly it made sense: to stop hating myself is to raise the vibration on the planet. To stop loathing myself is to reduce the negativity and pain in the world.”

Please my dear friend, listen to today’s message and choose love for yourself and all of humanity. We all need you and your kindness right now. This message dives into what you can do to reach more peace in your own life and for the world.

Listen to Podcast Here

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Lee Carroll, one of the top influential spiritual teachers of our time, shared in a Kyron lecture series:

“Do not buy into the idea that things are always getting worse and you are a nobody. Those are the lies of the darkness wanting to take away the love within you, wanting to bring you to a place you don’t know who you are, so you can be manipulated. That’s not who you are. Magnificent is who you are. Filled with light.”

Please remember these words, because when we look out into the world right now, there seems to be so much anger, fear and frustration. But as A Course in Miracles states, “Our outside world is a reflection of our internal state.”

Please catch yourself, when you fall into anger toward yourself or others, and be kinder. You are magnificent and wonderful and the world needs you and your love and light. It is easy to feel hopeless when we look out into the world, but believe that you have the power to make a difference, and it starts with the love you have for self. The anger we cast out onto others is hurting our selves and affecting the entire planet. When we shift into more compassion for self first, we can shift the vibration into more love and peace. We all want peace and balance; we all want more love and acknowledgment—it must first start with you. Being more peaceful, balanced within self and acknowledging your beautiful self.

Pay attention to your inner critic and the voice inside of you that is being mean. Practice compassion by being more kind to yourself. One moment at a time, the kindness within will prevail.

*Today’s message inspired by Summer Bacon’s Doctor Peebles July Open Session and Lee Carroll’s Kryon lecture series.

Take This Lesson Deeper By Getting My New Book, Joy Seeker!

In Joy Seeker I share the step-by-step process for letting go of what’s holding you back so you can live the life you were made for.

This book is a path to discovering our true self—the hero within. The relentless pressure to succeed, measure up, and reach for ever higher goals can leave us feeling like we’re just not good enough—or that something’s missing. At the end of the day, after giving it our all, the last thing we want to feel is hopeless, anxious, and disconnected. Joy Seeker helps you reclaim your power and step into a meaningful, purpose driven joyful life. Get your copy here. 

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