Annual Forecast for 2021—A New Age of Golden Light

You can listen to today’s message/ yearly forecast here:

2020 brought many of us to our knees. It was an unpredictable year that provided massive opportunity for growth, understanding ourselves and each other and true transformation for individuals and the collective.

2020, as difficult as it was, provided an opportunity for massive inner growth and alignment. As we step fully into the new age of Aquarius, also called the age of intuition, I experienced a monumental breakthrough myself. Something profound happened to me this past year that I can no longer hide from or ignore. I’ve been an empath and intuitive my whole life, but I never understood or trusted these abilities until this past year.

My whole life, I’ve had an intuition and an inner knowing about things and I never really understood it because I didn’t trust it. How can you trust something you don’t see? But this year my intuition got so loud, it was screaming at me, and anything that was of false light or manipulating became obvious and crystal clear to me.

This last year, my intuition every day was giving me guidance and leading me to new teachers, to new resources, to a deeper awareness about the world and how things really work, to awaken to the bigger truth that is available to us all.

I can no longer hide this part of me or deny it because it is my truth and it is also part of a gift that has been given to me, and for me to not honor my gifts is a disservice to both myself and the world.

So today I am using this gift through a new type of message. A yearly forecast. I want to offer a new message of guidance that can help steer us forward, with clarity, conviction and focus. Today in combination with my own personal experience, my intuition, my spiritual teachers and awareness, I offer to you an annual forecast for 2021.

Welcome to the new age of golden light.  


Age of Aquarius/ Intuition Is Here

My author friend Sara Wiseman explained this new energy and new age in an eloquent way, “On Solstice of December 2020, we entered the Age of Aquarius—which will last until 2159, release old structures and begin the thrilling task of pioneering a new future. The age of Pisces is over, and with it tumbles down the beliefs we’ve been living under since 1413: rulers and religion, conquest and control, sin and separation. Now, Aquarius is here, and we move to create a system based on collaboration and collective leadership. We are pioneers, set out to build a new earth based on the understanding that our true power—and the only possibility for a future on this planet—comes from Oneness.”


Intuition Is Your Guiding LightTrust it

We are now living in the age of intuition. Now more than ever, we can learn to work with this innate gift within us all. The world has told us not to trust ourselves and focus on the outside, but this has been a manipulation and distraction preventing us from accessing our own true power.

Your intuition is a direct connection to truth. The more you trust it, the more you can see it is your guiding light and compass.

When I was a little girl, I would often know things before they happened, and I would receive intuitive insights of people and their true intentions. I would feel people’s energy and pain, even when they were smiling through it. I’ve always known when people are lying or telling me what they want me to hear instead of what they really feel (you can imagine how well that has gone over in relationships, although this ability works great as a life coach). When I was in college, I could often predict who would win college games. I’ve been able to finish people’s sentences. I always assumed it was luck or crazy coincidence, but I now know it was my intuition and natural ability to understand energy and human nature. There is no more need to second guess yourself, your gut is talking to you.

Gut feelings are angels talking to you. Trust the nudge.

Trusting yourself and your intuition will help you thrive in 2021 and beyond.


Commit to Being a Joy Seeker

As we enter 2021, we must look at our lives from a view of what brings us joy. How can we be of service? What do we really want to do with our time on earth? By answering these questions, yes, you help yourself, but you also help everyone around you. And this in turn helps the entire planet. Every single one of us has been given a gift, a passion, a unique set of skills, talents and strengths, and it is our duty to honor that now more than ever. As we enter this new age, it is essential that we become essential. We do this by doing what we love. Not only do we help raise our vibration to a place of joy, purpose and passion, but we help to uplift the whole planet because we are doing what we love. More importantly when we do what we love, we are useful and of service to others, and when you’re of service to others, you’re making a difference in helping the collective, as it is no longer about service to self. If you want more support in learning about your true calling you can take my free quiz here.


“We” Is the New “Me”

For a long time, we have lived in this world where service to self seems to make sense. Go after your personal goals, get ahead, make more money, etc. Just look at the celebrities, musicians and politicians who really rise to the top of the mainstream, because of the money, accolades and the fame. A lot of this comes from ego, a desire of “look at me” driven by greed. It has been an intense focus on me, not we. And in the personal growth world, there’s also been a lot of attention focused on being your best self, show up for yourself, but then there’s another side to that where we feel that showing up for ourself is selfish. Well that in itself is a condition and a mindset that has been handed to us by society. Because showing up for yourself is not selfish at all when you’re aligned with your truth. When you are aligned with your truth, you will want to be there for others. Your actions are about the collective and wanting to help your family, friends and community. But in order to be there for others, you have to first be there for yourself. So showing up for “me” is essential in this new energy but it looks different from before. It is no longer driven by ego, control or popularity, but alignment, integrity and truth. This looks like radical self-care—this looks like honoring your intuition, trusting yourself and sometimes making choices that are very difficult in the face of hurting others, because it is part of your authentic path. But in doing this, you are aligning with a greater good, the power of “we” as a collective, because we are in a position where we are seeing that we really need each other. We are one.

In 2021 and beyond, anybody focused on a conquest of control, power, manipulation, sin or separation can no longer exist in this new energy of the Aquarius age as this age is about systems of collaboration, unity and support. We must look for leaders, partners, friends  who are celebrating each other and uplifting one another with love and compassion, not those who are from an old system of attacking each other and following the old rules of service to self while doing lip service to humanity.


Discernment Is Key

The way to fully thrive in 2021 is to use discernment and let it guide you like a life force in itself. There are a lot of things being presented to us that look really good. Leaders are telling us what we want to hear, but when you dig a little deeper and look at laws and new agreements actually being passed and regulations being implemented, it doesn’t align with what is being shared on a public level. Please do more research and use discernment with everything.

We must use discernment and really align with what feels of the highest vibration of love and light.

There is a lot of information, even spiritual teachers, politicians, authors and world-renowned experts who are telling us things that feel good and they look good, but when you look a little deeper or even if you just feel into the vibration of it, something is off. It’s important to trust this part of you—if it feels off, it is.

To succeed in 2021 and beyond, we must move our awareness from trusting the outside world to trusting ourselves and our inner world, because you have a power within you, your own intuition. Stop paying attention to everything that is presented to you as fact, and feel into the truth. Not all things are as they seem. This is a journey for you to go on and know there is no right and wrong when you are aligned with your own truth. Use discernment with everything, and ask yourself if this feels in alignment with true light, unity and love.

I personally had to stop participating in politics (so corrupt) and stop listening and following mainstream celebrities (agenda based) and I even unfollowed many of my author and celebrity friends (focused on fame) because their focus felt more about being seen and being popular and famous than it was about being of service to humanity. I felt into the energy of many who seemed to be pushing certain agendas that felt dark or manipulative rather than being of service to humanity and helping for the true greater good. Please just trust yourself and align with what feels of truth and light. Disregard and ignore the rest.


Integrity and Authenticity Are the New Rulers

Anything that is not of integrity and authenticity will fall. We are in the age of intuition. We are in the age of light as we step fully into this, 2021 will bring out more shadows and more darkness both on the planet and within ourselves. This is because anything that is not of integrity will fall. An interesting story: A couple years ago, I decided to make a word for my year. Every year I create a power word, and that particular year I chose authenticity. And it was one of the most difficult years of my life because anything that was not authentic was showing up so I could look at it and it could be addressed and fall away.

An authentic life is not one of super joy rides; it is one of integrity and alignment to truth, love, justice and peace. And with that comes an awareness of the darkness that is blocking you from all possibilities.

So what does integrity mean to you? Who are you in this world and how are you going to choose to be more authentic?


Value Your HomeGaia Is Our Partner  

Mother Earth is a great teacher, healer and partner. As we step forward, we will see how great she truly is as a home for humanity. She has resources available to us. Everything we need will be revealed: new energy sources, new technologies for health, systems and focuses on cleaning up the planet. We will come together in communities and support planet Earth as our home. Show up more fully by getting back to nature: your true nature and spending time in nature. Spend more time daily outside and breathe in the fresh air, ground yourself in the earth energy and appreciate Mother Earth.


We Deserve Better — Rise Up and Reclaim Your Power

Now is our chance and our turn to really rise up and reclaim our power. For centuries we have been giving our power away to outside forces and allowing them to make choices for us because we just thought that was the only way. But we are learning there is a better way and we do deserve better.

Are you familiar with Plato’s allegory of the cave?

The story goes . . .

There are prisoners in a cave that sit facing a wall, tied in chains, with a fire behind them, which makes shadows on the wall in front of them. The prisoners think these shadows on the walls are the “reality,” because that is what the fellow prisoners or the ones before them conveyed. It is all they know, until one of the prisoners starts questioning. This prisoner breaks the chains that bind him and in order to know the real truth, escapes the caves into the unknown world. In the outside world, this questioner faces lots of challenges, as he is not used to the sunlight, to the presence of nature and all its elements around him. The questioner, in spite of these obstacles, starts exploring this new world to seek reality. He treads on a lonely, unknown path to discover the truth, but does not give up his questioning spirit.

This questioner goes back to the caves to tell the other prisoners about the reality. To tell them that there is a beautiful world out there waiting for them, and that there is more to life than just the cave and its “imaginary reality.” He shares this newfound knowledge with the other captives of the cave, but to his surprise he is met with disbelief, rejection, ridicule and condemnation. This story is relevant today as it is a metaphor for human nature. It seems most people are contended with the “consensus reality” presented to them instead of seeking the larger truths of life.

But what if there is more? I invite you to always look deeper, and go beyond the cave.

It is time to break out of the 3-D matrix that has trapped us in a fear based illusion. Are you ready to break out of the cave and live in the brand new world? Welcome in the new earth, join me in reclaiming your true power. The years ahead will be magnificent when you step into your own truth and honor your calling.

Power questions to aid in the new year.

  • What brings you true joy?
  • What does integrity mean to you?
  • How can you detach from drama and use more discernment?
  • How can you be of more service?
  • What do you really want to do with your time on earth?
  • How will you improve your connection to your intuition?

I hope this forecast helped, I’d love to hear how you plan to use your gifts and make the most out of 2021.






2 thoughts on “Annual Forecast for 2021—A New Age of Golden Light

  1. Hermie Lagman Reply

    Thank you Shannon. You are absolutely Authentic!
    I really
    Love listening to you. Your message for 2021 is so powerful.
    Have a Safe and healthy 2021.

    Love your voice! ❣️

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