3 Ridiculously Easy Ways to Manifest More Money

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Wouldn’t it be great to go to bed at night and lay all your money concerns to rest? Imagine waking up with tons of money in the bank and all your financial woes are gone. It’s possible.

Whenever I fall into money worries or find myself in fear about paying bills, I take these steps immediately and I manifest more money. Our mind will make up stories to keep us stuck in fear-based thoughts:

  • I don’t have enough money
  • I am now enough
  • The work (or project) I’m doing isn’t going to pay off
  • I don’t have money to do what I want to do

Catch your fear in the act. What is it telling you about money?

These limiting thoughts keep us in a vibration of lack. When we are in a state of lack or fearful thought patterns, money cannot come to us because we are in a needy state. And when we need something, the experience is always strained.

If you are ready to release financial concerns, try adopting these mindsets. Each one is a power vibrational law and will help you create more abundance.

Here are three ridiculously easy ways to manifest more money.

Law #1: Your “what is” doesn’t influence what “will be.”

The first step is to stop focusing on what is and what you don’t want: The number in your bank account, lack of funds coming in, unemployment or lack of a decent savings account. Nothing in your current situation determines the amount of abundance you are capable of earning or receiving. When you focus your attention on the feeling of abundance and receiving the money, you attract it much faster than if you focus on the lack.

Awesome Action: Instead of focusing on lack, focus on already having what you want. Feel the vibration of abundance.

Law #2: We receive what we give.

Being more generous echoes the golden rule: Do unto others as you wish them to do unto you. Giving without expecting anything in return will open you up to new opportunities. A balance of energy exists when you freely give of yourself, your time, your energy or your money to someone or something you believe in. Ask yourself how you can serve someone else.

Awesome Action: Give more. Release expectations on giving your time, money or energy, and watch how what you give is returned to you ten-fold.


Law #3: Adopt the mantra “Everything always works out for me.”

Believe you are worthy of abundance and more money will come to you.

When you can take your attention off of things not working out, you will be able to create a “more miracle” mindset that attracts more abundance.

Awesome Action: Repeat the mantra “Everything always works out for me.”


What steps will you take to create more abundance this week?

6 thoughts on “3 Ridiculously Easy Ways to Manifest More Money

  1. Sheila Bergquist Reply

    Wow, I love this! I have read and heard a lot about manifestation but you really made it simple and just hit the right chord for me. Thank you. I only hope to be as uplifing as you are someday…love your joyful energy.

  2. kawayida Reply

    I’ve got the willing of giving without waiting for expectations and now my heart is receiving much happiness than ever!so I thankful you@Shannon!!!

  3. Delaney harper Reply

    I’m an ex stripper that left behind my negative environment I was always putting myself in, in Texas. I left it all, and have been traveling Australia flat broke. I tried bar tending and cafe work, but as I am trying to live as healthy as possible, I just didn’t belive in giving people food and alcohol that in my eyes harmed them. I am going back to my roots of loving to perform. I’ve become a street performer and dancer In Perth. I am good at movement and creating attraction but since I am not a trained dancer I feel very judged in my own head. I am getting positive responses, and not making much money at all. I really don’t want to do any thing else. All I want to do is work on my body, and inspire others in the street. A few smiles a day makes it all worth the body exhaustion. However, those smiles don’t pay my bills. Am I on a healthy track? Your writing really resonates with me because if feel like you have respect for the darkness we all experience. You remind me I’m not in a battle with the dark side, but it can be shadows of passing clouds. Even if you don’t have advice for me, thanks for your writing.

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