Your Insider Guide To Raising Your Vibration: And Why It’s Your Secret Power

You’ve probably seen it on social media posts, or wall art for the home office, the fun catch phrase “Good Vibes Only” or “Raise Your Vibes” but what does this mean really?

Maybe you’ve even heard people describe an experience or place as having a good or bad “vibe.” I know I do all the time. The reality is everything is a vibration and we are all intuitive by nature, so feeling energy is part of the human experience. When we hear the idea of raising our vibes it simply means raise ourselves into a better feeling place. The more you attune to your own energy the more you see how your vibes affect your entire experience.

What Even Is A ‘Vibration’ + How Do You Raise It?

Everything in the entire universe is made up of atoms and energy. Inside an atom, you have subatomic particles like electrons, protons, and neutrons. So this means everything is made of energy waves, including you and me. Energy waves can vibrate at high or low—fast or slow— dense or light — frequencies. Everything is made up of source energy and all energy vibrates at a different frequency. Because of this, we will feel better and more balanced when we raise our vibration.

Why do we need a high vibration?

We live in a world that is constantly fighting for our attention and will do everything in its power to keep us sucked into drama and fear. This is a low-level vibration and often makes us feel more sluggish and depressed. But this isn’t a bad thing, it gives us an opportunity to return back to our more aligned balanced state. When we feel anxious or stress this is simply energy that wants to move through us and be released.

Emotions are powerful guides to shift us into a higher more balanced state of being. Jess King, a self-love advocate, and Peloton fitness instructor says emotions only last five to six minutes max. If you can hold on and then ride it like a wave, you can always move through it.

Recognize anxiety and stress for what they are: simply energy that needs to move through your experience so it can be released and move on. 

Feeling your feelings is part of raising your vibration but putting yourself into a higher vibration will not only help you feel more balanced and connected to your true self but it will make you less susceptible to fear or manipulation.  This is why it is so important to focus on things that make you feel good and bring you joy. When you are connected to this you experience love and high vibration energy and you feel better and make smarter choices.

Right now the earth is ascending into a higher vibration as we fully enter into the new age of intuition or what is also called the Aquarian age. This means we want to raise our vibration to match the earth so we can live in harmony. One of the best ways to build up a solid foundation of being in alignment and raising your vibration is to focus on daily activities that make you feel good and balance.

Here’s my go-to list for overcoming negativity and raising your vibration. 


Feel Your Feelings

First recognize that feeling emotionally low is not bad. So often we feel that when we are depressed, sad, or anxious, there is something wrong with us. But this is in fact just part of life. The darker emotions are the energy sources that can give us clarity and help us learn more about ourselves. As I shared before, when you feel your feelings, they can transmute and heal.


Sage is a powerful tool for clearing out negative energy. Native American tribes were known to use sage for multiple purposes such as healing, clearing space, and ceremonies. Lighting the sage and smudging your space is a good practice for balancing the energy in your space. Light it up and allow the sage to burn until it smokes, moving it around to allow the smoke to waft through your space. You can even repeat affirmations while rotating the sage stick, such as “peace, love, and joy fill this room.”


Since ancient times, crystals have been used for their powerful energetic healing properties. Crystals can help heal deep-seated issues, bringing forth good health and greater happiness. They are rocks, gems, and stones that come from the planet. Each crystal has its own unique healing properties and because they are from earth they have a profound healing energy inspired by nature. This earth energy is also grounding and can help protect against negativity. They are powerful tools to help you raise your vibration.

My favorite for raising my vibration:

Black Quartz

comes from the Himalayan Mountains, a spiritual sacred ground, which helps its healing powers. It will defend you from any kind of psychic attack, and it will keep you away from harm on both a physical and psychic level. The healing energies of the Black Quartz will cleanse and purify you, as well as the environment you are in.


is another go-to. It helps absorb negative energy while bringing positive energy into your space. It can help develop a more positive mindset.

Rose Quartz

is the queen of self-love. It can be helpful for those that suffer from depression because it is so comforting. This crystal brings in soothing and healing energy to the heart chakra and helps you be gentle to yourself and develop self-love.

A Prayer Practice

No religion required for this one, but if you are religious this method may be your sweet spot. Spending time in “Prayer” simply means connecting to a force and power greater than yourself. (This can be God, The Universe, Divine, Allah, Elohim, Jesus, Buddha, Ganesha, Tao, Infinite Creator, Source, Higher Self, Love etc.) Prayer can be a practice, as it helps us get out of our head and into our heart. Prayer helps us by bringing us a sense of meaning and purpose, it is something that connects us to hope and joy and makes us feel connected to the world around us. Don’t underestimate the power of prayer. Sometimes we feel helpless and as if nothing we do will make a difference but praying helps us connect to something much larger than ourselves. It requires radical trust because we can’t really see what we are praying to but knowing that our prayers are always answered can help you in each moment.

Hot Bath with Epsom Salt

My number one favorite self-care activity is hot Epsom salt baths. The minerals in a detox bath are believed to help remove toxins from the body to improve your health, relieve stress, and connect you back to your true self. Not only is it soothing, relaxing, and joyful but it is a way to show yourself more love.

Essential Oils

Lemon grass, lavender, and sage oils are all powerful healing oils to help calm the mind and relax the spirit. You can use a diffuser, inhale them, or apply topically. I also put them in my bath for added relaxation and instant ahh.


Meditation is just the act of being so fully present that your worries can’t exist. My meditation practice looks like doing what I love. When I write, I feel calm, centered, and in the flow. Doing what you love is a powerful form of meditation because it helps you center within yourself, and return to your true nature.

Listen to Your Body

Your body has innate wisdom and infinite ways to communicate with you and help you through situations. Our bodies are magnificent teachers. Start to listen to yours, including the types of food it craves and when it feels out of balance. Ingest high-vibe foods. Natural, unprocessed foods help me feel best, and when I eat organic foods and drink lots of pure water, my body thrive

Move the Body 

We often hold negative feelings in our bodies, so dancing, walking, and going to the gym are all great ways to release the energy. Moving your body is an important part of healing.

Feed the Body High Vibrational Foods

What you put in your body directly impacts your vibration. I know I feel better when I eat foods that are organic, or processed without chemicals or from a factory, and food that doesn’t come in a box. Foods from earth make us feel better.  High vibration foods are those that have a greater level of light than density. No matter what diet lifestyle you prefer, adding more high vibration foods, foods that come from the earth and are grown with sunlight and water, will nourish your body, assist with detoxification, increase your light quotient (the level of light you’re able to carry) and raise your vibrational frequency. The highest vibrational foods are nutrient rich, raw, living fruits and vegetables.


Earthing is the act of connecting with nature: walking barefoot on the ground, feeling the grass, or literally hugging a tree. One of the quickest ways to lift your mood when you’re feeling low vibrational is to get outside. I know when I was depressed, some days it was hard to make it out of bed, but when I stepped outside and breathed in the fresh air, I always felt better. You can always open a window to let fresh air into your space or better yet, go outside because escaping from your current environment calms your mind and can ground you. Nature is a natural mood lifter that connects you with the peaceful vibrational consciousness of our planet.

Use Mantras and Oracle Cards

Think of affirmations as if they were your psychological wellness center and immune system. They fill your mind with positive, healthy, motivating thoughts and in turn, they flush out toxic vibrations and low-vibe negativity.

Explore Your Passions & Do More of What You Love

Doing what you love not only raises your own joy levels, but it puts more love out into the world. You have gifts, skills, talents and passions that are important to you. Trust them, honor them, live them.


To be human is to create but most of the time we think it needs to turn into something to be of value. But the sheer energy and exploration of creating is the true magic and joy. Creating can be writing, painting, dancing, cooking, or having a wonderful conversation with someone. Find ways to be creative with your time and energy and start a creative project just for the fun of it,.

Seek Positive Information

In the past when I felt blue, I went to positive websites, blogs, and YouTube channels. I sought out positive messages and tools to help raise my vibration. The main reason I created my website, blog, and YouTube channel is to be a positive place online to help people feel better. Finding a consistent source of good vibes can help you feel better. Reach for feel good information often requires that you be willing to dig deeper than the mainstream information as much of that is drenched in fear based lower vibrations. Align instead with yourself by seeking more uplifting and empowering information.

Cuddle Sessions with Furry Friends & Loved Ones

Calling a friend and reaching out for support is important, but sometimes just taking time to cuddle with your furry friend or loved one will transform the negativity and help you feel better fast. Fear will often try to take over, but recognize we all have bad days and fear doesn’t have to be our normal way of living. We don’t need to define ourselves by our bad mood or the fear thoughts that creep in. 

If you are having a hard time feeling better, try any one or all of these tips to help pull you into a higher vibration.

I’d love to hear what you are doing to raise your vibration and tools work for you. Leave your thoughts in the comments.

2 thoughts on “Your Insider Guide To Raising Your Vibration: And Why It’s Your Secret Power

  1. Pam Tyson Reply

    Hi Shannon – Thank you so much for sharing all of this amazing information! I’ve been interested in trying crystals for some time, and was wondering if you have any suggestions for how I might get started as far as where to get them, at a reasonable price, and if I should start with the ones you mentioned here or add some others? Thank you for what you do. I’ve been following you for awhile. ❤

    • Shannon Kaiser Post authorReply

      Hi Pam, lovely that you are interested in them. I personally think seeing them in person vs buying online is best. Each crystal has it’s own energy, and like picking out a piece of art you want to experience it in person. Spiritual bookstores sell crystals, gem shops and crystal fairs. A great starter resource is the book “Crystals for Beginners: The Guide to Get Started with the Healing Power of Crystals.” Enjoy.

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