7 Empowering Resources to Help You Navigate Change

Over the past year, I feel like there’s been a tremendous amount of change happening out in the world, but also in our inner world. Think about it, who you were a year ago is most likely a lot different from the person you are today. With all these changes happening, many of us are becoming more aligned with our true self and what matters most to us. For example, I was a full-time world traveler who turned homebody—now I love gardening,  cooking and home decorating. Changes like this happen when we allow ourselves to grow more into who we really are.

I find this to be a beautiful gift, that change is always happening, and through it all we have the opportunity to grow and learn more about others, the world and ourselves. Big shifts are happening, and through it all, we are waking up to our true power, the light and love within and we have the power and choice to live a life that feels good, no matter what the circumstances.

Can you feel the shifts and awakening too?

Even with alignment happening, navigating change can be challenging, as it seems we have one of two paths to take. We can listen to the fear voice, the worry, and confusion, and look out into the world for answers, or we can seek solace within, from our heart, the intuitive part of us that leads with love. Our inner knowing and wise true nature have profound wisdom when we tune inward to listen. As we move forward and embrace the new era, the age of intuition, we can focuus in on what we know to be true.

For me, the path of trust, faith, love, joy and peace has guided me to synchronicities and new awareness. I have a deeper connection to all of life and myself. I am healthier and happier than I’ve ever been and a huge part of this is by allowing the changes to emerge, and embracing them, rather than resisting.

When we dive into the unknown with faith and trust that all is always in divine order we tap into an unshakable inner peace.

One of the best ways to stay balanced in these current times is to develop a strong self-care and self-love practice. Maintaining a self-care and spiritual practice—i.e., one that helps you feel in harmony with your best self so you can stay connected to your higher self—in turn helps you show up for others in a more powerful way.

But there’s no one-size-fits-all for self-care and reflection, and everyone’s practice will look a bit different. So I’ve rounded up my most recent and best resources to support you and your loved ones through the transition into the new era.



  1. 6 Simple Ways To Show Yourself Love Today (Featured in Woman’s First Mag)
  2. “I Take It One Day At A Time” & 6 More Mantras To Ease Fear Of The Unknown
  3. 21 Signs You’re Going Through A Spiritual Awakening + How To Embrace It
  4. 5 Ways To Reconnect To Your Spirituality When You Feel Tired & Overwhelmed
  5. Reclaim Rest: A Rest-Guided Meditation to Help You Connect to Calm Instantly
  6. 14 Affirmations to Unlock a More Joyful Life 
  7. The Number One Way to Support Those You Love (Video)

I’d love to hear in the comments which resource you like best?

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