What No one Tells You About Making Your Dreams come True (But Probably Should)

Welcome to the Joy Seeker Lesson series. Each week I share inspirational lessons, tools and insights from my new book Joy Seeker. This week we are diving into the truth about your goals and dreams.

“Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.” —Jack Canfield

One of my favorite questions to ask people is: what is your biggest dream? What do you really want to do? The reason I love this idea so much is because when we give ourselves permission to dream we feel more connected to our authentic self.

Consider your dreams as stepping-stones to your highest potential. As long as we live a life dedicated to them, we are living our potential. A life lived in pursuit of your dreams is rewarding, deep, and meaningful. Why? Because you feel more connected to yourself and others. But don’t forget that your dreams are for you. You don’t need others to approve of them for you to go after them. But for many of us, when there is a lack of support, we start to second-guess our dreams.

The third day I was in Barcelona, completely soaked up in a love affair with the city, I met an American couple at a restaurant. They were sitting at the table next to me, and hearing the familiar American accents, I initiated a conversation with them. I asked how they were enjoying Barcelona. They looked at each other with sheer frustration and disgust and told me they hated it. Of all the places they traveled to in Spain, they thought Barcelona was underwhelming, and they couldn’t wait to leave. I thought to myself, How can anyone hate the most amazing city on the planet? I love this place. There I was trying to figure out how to continue the bliss of Barcelona, and these folks were desperate to escape. Then something happened that was very surprising to me. As we sipped sangria, I started to second-guess my own dream. I wondered if they were right. Did they see something I didn’t see? Was I just in the honeymoon phase, seeing everything with rose-colored glasses?

When we believe others’ point of view about our dreams, we will second-guess ourselves and lose faith in our desires. I tried to look at the same city I loved so much through a tinted lens of disapproval. I thought, What do they know that I don’t? Interesting enough, I questioned my own beliefs but not theirs. And most of us do this. We get excited about a new idea, we share it with people, and our enthusiasm is hardly ever met with the same excitement. Then we don’t feel supported, so we start to second-guess ourselves and our dreams. But when we realize our dreams are for us and no one else, then we will bring our power back. It wasn’t until I remembered that not everyone is supposed to have the same dream and I stopped second guessing myself.

Your dreams are for you. It is your own soul language.

It’s perfectly okay that two strangers from America don’t have the same dream as I do, my second-guessing was an ego trick. That’s what our fear does. It tries to latch on to others’ opinions to make us feel as if our opinions are not good enough. It will do everything it can to convince us that we shouldn’t continue on our path. It will say, “Trade in your dream, it’s no good.” Don’t buy in to the fear. When I was able to recognize that my second-guessing was fear based, I was able to feel once again the grand love I had for Barcelona. In that moment I brought my power back and vowed to myself to never let someone else’s opinion stir me away from my own truth.

When we are living our truth and actively pursuing our desires, others will not always agree or understand. But remember, this is your own truth—no one else’s. Your dreams are for you. And here is what you really need to know: You can choose to love and honor your own light and joy or you can choose fear. You can walk in light or dark. You get to choose.

Having goals and living out your dreams is the most beautiful gift you can give yourself, but the magic, the true joy and the fulfilling aspect of it comes when you can share it with others. I realized this when my mom flew out to visit me in Prague. For almost five months I had been traveling solo, and her company was refreshing. It reminded me how important family is and how special it is to share your dreams with others. It was so much more rewarding to see the city and explore with her.

Follow through on the inspiration in your heart. That is the only way to meet the fullest, most authentic version of your true self.

These questions can help support you:

  1. What dream is in my heart of hearts?
  2. What guided action will I take today to follow through on this desire?

Today’s lesson inspired by Joy Seeker. Grab your copy here. 



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